Chapter 9: Meat Shield

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Jeongin was right. Not much changed after joining. It's already been a week and the only thing that's really changed is the fact that I now have three guard dogs. I haven't seen much of Mingi or Lisa, but I.M's been tagging along nearly every place I go. He's even staying over at my place! My sister came by a couple days ago like she said she would, and when she walked in on I.M making a PB and J sandwich while singing Barbie Girl loudly in the kitchen, I had to quickly scramble for an excuse. Thankfully I didn't say anything dumb, and she now knows him as one of my friends who's staying with me because he's down on his luck.

Having him around isn't all bad though. He's rather easy to get along with, and he's been teaching me more self defense and how to start using my surroundings to my advantage. He also hit it off rather well with my friend group, and I'm pretty sure he and Wooyoung already exchanged numbers.

It's because I don't find him that bothersome that I don't have much of a problem with him hanging around my work place. Still, it hasn't gone completely smooth. Security has come to take him out a couple of times because they think he's stalking me. I've had to explain multiple times that he's a friend of mine, and the only reason the boss hasn't thrown him out for loitering is because his pretty face is attracting more customers.

Other than that, my life has been boring.

My responsibilities as a temporary member of Skz has consisted of me helping Jeongin- which I was already doing before- and giving information to Jeongin- which I was already doing before.

Jeongin has healed up nicely, and though he should still be taking it easy, he insists he's okay enough to work the easy jobs. Of course I'm still keeping an eye on him, which is made easier by the fact that he spends most of his time at my work place.

A ringing from my phone snaps me out of my dozing, and I realize I was standing doing nothing in the middle of the dance studio. Thankfully I'm the only one here.

I walk over and take a seat on the ground before digging my phone out of my bag and answering it without checking the caller ID.


"Hyunjin? Good. Look, I know we said you wouldn't have to do much once you joined, but we really need your help with something. Do you mind coming to headquarters?" I immediately recognized the voice as Changbin's, and based on how exasperated he sounds, I can only assume calling me was one of the last solutions they came up with.

"Uh, sure. I'll head over in a couple minutes. Can I take a quick shower first?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Make sure to bring I.M with you."

". . . To the shower?"

"No! To headquarters!"

"Gosh darn it."

". . ."

"I'm joking."

"Uh huh. Just hurry." He hung up before I could respond, and I pout childishly. That was rude.
The drive to headquarters was longer then when I first went there, but part of that might be because the first time I came here was when they kidnapped me. Wait, does it count as a kidnapping if I went willingly?

Regardless, we arrived at Skz headquarters a little later then expected, and I.M seemed a little panicked about that.

"You good?"

"How can I be good? We're late! Seungmin is going to kill us!"

"Well that seems dramatic."

He gives me the stink eye, and I respond with a shit eating grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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