My knight in not so shiny armor (BOTW Zelda x Female reader)

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Note: (h/n) = horse's name. In this story as well, you are also a bit taller than Zelda, so above 5'6.

Zelda's POV:

It was nice to be out of the castle. Away from my father, the constant reminder that my powers haven't awakened, and...Link. He was supposed to be with me right now since he's my "protector or bodyguard" but he honestly just makes me feel like even more of a failure. I let out a sigh and then groaned when I felt a pain in my legs. I had been walking for hours and my legs began to hurt. I sat down in the fields of Hyrule. I could take a break before walking back. The cool, evening breeze was nice along with the faint chirping of birds. I smiled to myself, enjoying my time by myself, not worrying about anything back home. I laid down and closed my eyes. Once they opened again I saw a night sky. My eyes widen and I flipped my body up. Had I fallen asleep? This wasn't good, monsters came out at night and I had no way of protecting myself! I cursed myself and sprang up to my feet. I was far from the castle and I could barely see the path I had been walking on. I squinted my eyes to see the path and began speed walking down it. I chuckled nervously to myself. "Maybe I could make it back without getting any trouble," I said out loud, but things can never go my way can they?

The sound of clattering bones behind me made me freeze. I turned around slowly to see...stalmoblins. Three of them, three sets of dead, yellow eyes stared at me. They held a weapon. One, a bow, another, a knight's sword, and the last holding a spear. The two began rushing at me while to other shot arrows. I screamed and then spun on my heels and booked it down the path. I thought I was going to make it until an arrow flew right past my face, cutting open my cheek. I fell to the ground and grabbed the wound, warm blood already spilling from it. I turned to see the stalmoblin holding the sword standing above me. I screamed as the sword came down...until I heard the clashing of metal.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"Nice night isn't it boy?" I said from atop the cart, down to (h/n). He blew out his nose and then whinnied. "I'll take that as a 'sure is!' " I laughed to myself. (h/n) let out a grumble and flipped his head back. "What? are you calling me crazy for talking to you?" I could have sworn I saw him shake his head 'yes.' I laughed again and leaned down and patted his back. "Well, I guess I may be a little crazy, but your the only one I got right now." He snorted and I smiled. I straightened again and then closed my eyes, enjoying the cool breeze. But, that ended very quickly. A piercing scream stabbed my eardrums and (h/n) stopped dead in his tracks. I stood from my spot on the cart and looked out into the distance. As I squinted, I saw stalmoblins attacking someone! I  flung myself from the cart and yelled for (h/n) to stay still. I ran across the field and released my ax from my back. Just as the stalmoblin swung its sword down to attack the person my ax collided with it. I pushed back its sword causing it to stumble as well. I took my chance and swung my ax down to its legs, cutting off the bottom half of its body. I then raised my ax over my head and swung it down into its skull. I looked up from the decaying bones from the first and saw two more making their way over. "Stay there!" I yelled at the person and ran forward. The next one stabbed its spear at me but I quickly dodged it and brought my ax down, snapping it in half. I then killed it the same way I did the first one. Finally, arrows began shooting my way. I moved quickly and grabbed the sharp end of the broken spear and chucked it at the final one. It landed between its feet and it looked down and went to pick it up. I then ran up and took a final swing to its head, sending it flying from its body and decaying away just like the rest.

I huffed, my arms heavy from swinging around my ax so mush. I put my ax back on my back and walked back over to the person who had been attacked. They looked up at me and I was met with two beautiful, emerald green eyes. My face began to heat up and I averted my eyes as I reached my hand down to her. "Are you alright miss?" Her hand took mine and I pulled her up from the ground. "Yes...Thank you." Her voice was so pretty and I felt myself blushing harder. I looked at her again and she smiled, her blond hair cupping her face making her even cuter. I cursed myself for blushing so hard. I looked down a bit a noticed her bright blue top with royal markings. "Wait..., are you?" I looked at her again "Princess Zelda?!"

Zelda's POV:

When the stranger came over, I saw that it was a woman. With (S/C) skin, (H/l), (H/C) pulled away from her face. When she reached down to help me up we made eye contact, and she had the most beautiful (e/c) eyes that I have ever seen. She averted her and helped me up. She asked if I was alright and I said 'yes.' Then we just looked at each other, still holding hands. "Wait..., are you? Princess Zelda?!" I couldn't help but giggle a bit at her outburst. I nodded and she quickly kneeled down. "It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness!" I blushed bright red. I've met people who have done this exact thing before, but her doing it sent butterflies through my stomach. "Oh! You don't need to do that, you just saved my life!" I crouched down and she looked up from the ground, meeting my eyes. "Could you tell me who my knight in shining armor is?" I raised her back up to a standing position. She laughed a bit "I think you have to take the 'shining' part out of that." She wore brown bulky boots, with gray trousers ripped at the knees. The only thing shiny on her was the chainmail armor she was wearing, which was belted in the middle, holding onto multiple little pouches.  She then had on shoulder pads and gloves as well. I laughed, "Guess so. So, who is my knight in not-so-shiny armor?" Her cheeks redded a bit and released my hand, now noticing how long we've been holding hands. She rubbed her neck and looked away. "I-It's (Y/N) you highness." I smiled "Please, call me Zelda" She looked back at me and smiled as well "Alright, Zelda. Do you need a ride back to the castle? I'm heading that way anyway to drop some weapons I have." "That would be wonderful"

(Y/N)'s POV:

"That would be wonderful" I turned around and brought my figures to my mouth and let out a loud whistle. Not a moment later, (H/n) came trotting over the field. Once he returned to me I reached up and patted him on the face. "Zelda, this is (H/n), (H/n) this his Zelda." Zelda walked over to (H/n) and put her hand out, "Hello (H/n), could I take a ride with you and your friend?" (H/n) looked down at Zelda and then pushed his head into her hand. She laughed "I think he's just fine with that," I said, she looked over and smiled again. "Come on, we got to get you back to the castle before anybody starts going crazy." I grabbed her hand and walked her over to the cart. I allowed her to walk up first and then I went up and sat down next to her. I grabbed the reigns and told (H/n) to trot on."So, Zelda, why are you out here all by yourself?" I questioned. Zelda looked down. "Oh, I'm sorry, should I have not asked that question?" "No, you didn't say anything wrong (Y/n). It's just that I wanted to get away from all of my problems at the castle." She looked sad and I felt bad to bring up what she was trying to get away from. "Well, if you need to get away from those people and problems, you should know some self-defense." "My father would never allow that." "...then let me teach you." She looked at me "You would teach me?" I smiled "Of course, you shouldn't need to feel I like you need someone around you 24-7 to protect you. You should feel free." She smiled hugely and then wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you (Y/n)." She then kissed me on the cheek and my whole face flushed red. "It's a date then."

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