Steal me away (Vaati x Female Reader)

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Warning: mentions of parents fighting

Requested by: Ann Takamaki (Sorry, I forgot to ask for your username + sorry it took so long 🥲)

(Y/n)'s POV:
The stone of the front yard was cold on my bare legs as I sat on the ground. My nightgown fluttered a bit in the night breeze and the night sky was sprinkled with little stars with the bright moon as the main attraction. I smiled as I stared up at the sky. It was more important to me than the constant screaming and yelling that was happening in that old wooden house.
I sucked in a breath and sighed. The fighting had started to really annoy me. I lifted myself up from the ground and wiped my hands off my nightgown. I walked towards that gate and pushed it open. I slammed it shut, wondering if they could even hear it. I looked up at the house door, it stayed closed and the fighting continued. I huffed but wasn't surprised. I grabbed one of the lanterns off the hangers on the fence and I walked out into the woods, surrounding the house. The dirt path was damp, creating imprints of my old brown boots. My lantern barely reached the trees on both sides of the path, leaving only the path lit, and the dread of something watching me from the darkness. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Thankful, tonight, I was lucky. I was able to make it to my favorite place without being attacked by the creatures that lurked in the darkness and my mind was now at peace. The moon shined bright here, even brighter than when I sat in the front yard and the stars looked even more brilliant. I stepped closer and I could see over the edge of the cliff. The waterfall that the cliff was over was beautiful and all of the rushing water fell into the rocky river below. I smiled to myself and took a step back so I would not fall into that beautiful river. I sat down on the cold ground and placed my lantern beside me. I looked up at the stars and watched them twinkle until a streak flew across the sky, a shooting star. I jumped to my feet and folded my hands then closed my eyes. I wished and wished hard. "Please, please steal me away from this place. I no longer wish to be here. I don't want to live in that house, where the screaming and the fighting make an appearance every day. Please, grant my wish." The shooting star was gone by now. I frowned. I knew to it was childish to make a wish on a shooting star, but maybe, just maybe it would work this one time. I waited... and nothing happened. I sighed in defeat and my hands fell to my sides. I picked up my lantern and lifted it up to see how much oil was still left in it. While I was looking at it, the wind began to pick up. So much so, it blew out the flame. A chill ran down my spine at the realization that I would have to walk back in the dark if I couldn't get it lit once again. I placed the lantern on the ground again and then began searching for something to set a spark.

Vaati's POV:
"My lord, could I speak to you?" I turned, annoyed to here someone speaking to me while I'm working. "What do you want Shadow, I thought I told you to not bother me while I'm working !?" Shadow chuckled nervously. "Well, my lord, I felt like you would want to be informed about this matter immediately" "Tell me then." I responded. Shadow cleared his throat before speaking. "A woman was spotted on your grounds over by the waterfall, she's been coming this way almost everyday, but she doesn't seem hostile, thats why I wanted to inform you before sending her flying off the cliff." I lifted a brow. A women was walking on my grounds? How would she even be in these woods? Monsters lurk in every corner. "I will look into it after I am done with my work. Now off with you, find something better to do other than bother me." I flicked my hand and he bowed before exiting the room. I sighed to myself and closed my book and slid it back into its spot, back on the shelf. I pushed my hair out of my face and teleported away.
I teleported to the waterfall and began searching around for the woman. After a bit of searching I found her, looking at the flame in her lantern. I grinned as I saw a way to scare her. I sent a strong wind, which blew out her lantern. She turned and I could see the fear on her....beautiful face. She set the lantern down and then started looking around, most likely to find something to relight the lantern. As she searched, I couldn't take my eyes off her face. Her (H/L),(H/C) hair and (S/C) brought out her beautiful (E/C) eyes. After starring for way to long, I left my hiding spot and walked towards her. Soon I was standing next to her and when she turned my way, she screamed, jumped, and then fell on her butt. I chuckled, "Did I scare you darling?"
(Y/N)'s POV:
Goddess! Where did he come from! When I saw him, I fell flat on my butt making myself look like a fool. I heard him chuckle and then ask me a question. "Did I scare you darling?" My heart fluttered at the way he said darling. And, I could feel my cheeks flush red. When I looked up, the man was holding out his hand. His skin was a light lavender and his hair was just a few shads darker. He was wearing red shorts and a purple tunic, and over it, he wore a dark purple cape. He also wore a hat in the same dark purple, but there was a large red gem in the middle of it with a golden pattern around it. While I saw all that, the main thing that caught my eye was his ruby red eyes. I maintained eye contact with him while I took his hand. He lifted me up to my feet and I realized he was only a inch or two taller than me. He smiled and leaned down and kissed the top of my hand. "And who is it that I have the pleasure of meeting this fine night?" If my face wasn't red before, it sure is now. "U-um, (Y/n). It's (Y/n). And you?" I responded. He let go of my hand and then took a bow. "Call me, Vaati. It's a pleasure to met you (Y/n)." I giggled and bowed as well. "The pleasure is all mine, Vaati." We both returned to our standing position and he pushed a strand of hair out of his face. "May I ask you, what are you doing out here, this far into the woods." He asked. I lowered my face. "My parents were fighting...again. I can barely handle the yelling anymore. So this is where I come, and I walk up and down this area, because it's calming." I look up at Vaati, and he sends me another smile. "Well, you shouldn't be out here without a lantern, there are monsters in these woods, you know?" I nodded. "I did have a lantern, but the wind blew it out and I couldn't find something to relight it." I showed him the unlit lantern and he took it from me. He then snapped his fingers and a beautiful pink flame glowed at his fingertips. My jaw dropped as I look at it. He placed his one of his fingers to the wick of the lantern and the pink flame transferred. He handed the lantern back to me and I was still in awe. "H-how did you do that!? That was amazing!" He smiled. "I'm a Sorcerer. I've been learning magic for a very long time. That was just a simple little trick." I took his hand. "Could you please do more? That was so cool!" He chuckled. "Of course, but not out here. You should come back to my house." He said, I was hesitant because I just met him. And he saw, that. "Don't worry Darling. I don't mean no harm." I thought for a moment. But, this was what I wanted. For something, or someone to steal me away from that place. So, I buried my worry and sprang forward with courage. "Let's go" He gripped my hand tighter and then pulled me towards him and then things went dark.
Not a moment later, I could open my eyes again. And what I saw was not no house. But, a small castle. While it wasn't as big as the one in Hyrule it was still huge compared to the little shack I lived in. "That's not a house! That's a castle!" Vaati laughed, "I know, I just wanted to see your reaction." He tugged on my hand again and lead me inside the huge wooden doors of the castle. The walls were all stone along with the floor. But the floor had a long dark purple carpet that I couldn't see the end of. I was to in tranced with the castle that a barely noticed the lady in a long maid outfit approaching us. "Hello, my lord, welcome back to to castle." Her voice was very soft when she spoke, and she bowed to Vaati. "Ah, Amelia, just the one I wanted to see. Order food to be ready within two hours and then set a room up for my friend here along with some clothes. Oh, and also send Shadow to meet me in the library in...40 minutes." Vaati commanded. "Yes, my lord" She nodded and then turned on her heals and walked off. "Wow, you gave her a lot of information to handle." I said, Vaati turned to me. "It is her job to remember my orders, so they have to be good at handling all of it." "What happens if they can't?" Vaati stayed silent for a moment. "They are fired, or at the least bumped down from their level." "Level?" I questioned. "Amelia is at a higher level, so she bosses the other maids around." I responded with a light "oh" Vaati then took my hand again and began to lead me to our next destination. After a lot of walking and Vaati telling me where everything was, we reached it. A large library, which was filled to the brim with books. "Is this were you learned all of your tricks?" I asked, he shrugged. "Some of them." Vaati let go of my hand, and my hand left empty after holding it for so long. He waved his hand for me to follow him and I complied. We walked down a flight of stairs and in front of us I saw another man who I guessed was this Shadow, Vaati talked about earlier. He was starring outside a window before he heard our foot steps. When he did, he turned around, and we made eye contact and he seemed to jump with he saw me. He had very pale skin, dark purple hair, and light blue eyes. He also wore a black tunic with a white long sleeved shirt, along with white pants, black boots, and a black hat. "Shadow, this is (y/n). She's the one you saw walking the cliff edge that last couple of days." Vaati introduced me. I smiled slightly and gave a small wave. "Hello." "She seems harmless." Shadow said. Vaati nodded. "She will be staying with us for the night." Shadow eyed me for a moment before reaching his hand out. "Nice to meet you (y/n), I hope you enjoy your stay." I took his hand and we shook hands. "Are you wearing a night gown?" Shadow asked. My face blushed red. After everything that happened, I totally forgot about what I was wearing. I let go of Shadows hand and wrapped my arms around my chest. "Um, Vaati could you show me to that room so I can change." Vaati looked a bit red as well. "Y-yeah, of course. Uh, Shadow, your free to go now." Shadow chuckled at both of us and then teleported away. "Here, give me your hand so we can teleport there" I nodded and took Vaati's hand and things went dark again. I opened my eyes, and saw a large room with light purple furniture with a few hints of red around the room. I looked in awe and then turned to Vaati. "You Really like purple." I said with a giggle. He shrugged "I'll leave you be to get changed. I'll send one of the maids to come get you for supper. And after that, I'll show you some more of my magic, darling." I smiled and nodded. He sent me a smile as well and then teleported away. I walked over to the huge bed and flopped down on it. It was so soft, that I felt like I was on a cloud. I turned over and felt tulle. I sat up to see a beautiful dress.
(This is what I imagine, but you can imagine what ever you want.)

I smiled at it and hurriedly got up to put it on

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I smiled at it and hurriedly got up to put it on. Once I slipped it on, I walked over to a mirror that I saw. I smiled at my self and spun. "I love it." I said under my breath. For a little bit I played with my hair until I found a style I liked. And after a bit of waiting, a knock was at the door. I opened and saw another maid. She smiled. "Hello miss (y/n), I'm Charlotte. Vaati told me to bring you down to supper." I smiled back at her. "That would be great! Thank you!" She looked surprised. "Sorry, I'm I to loud?" I asked. She shook her head no. "No, we just don't get a lot of Thank you's around here." I frowned. "Well, I didn't get a lot of those back home either, but I like to say it." She smiled. "Glad to hear that. Now, could you please follow me to the dining room." I hummed a yes and began following her.
Once we got there, Charlotte said goodbye and I entered the dining room, which was a long room with yet again other purple carpet, a long table with three chairs at the end of it, and a fire place that lit up the room. Vaati was sitting at the head of the table while Shadow was settled to Vaati's left. Vaati's eyes met mine and he smiled. "Now, that's a lot better than that night gown!" Shadow yelled. I laughed "Thank you," Vaati rolled his eyes at Shadow and turned to me again. "It suits you, your beautiful in it." And I felt my face heating up again. "Thank you, Vaati." "Love birds.." Shadow said and Vaati banged his hands on the table and turned to him. "Shadow!" Shadow laughed "sorry, my lord, I couldn't help myself." Vaati groaned, "let's just eat."
(Time skip)
After dinner, I was stuffed. But I still wanted Vaati to show me some of his magic. So, he showed me up to his office, and showed me all of the books he used while I just sat there taking it all in. When he started to show me the magic part. It was awesome. He showed me dangerous some ones, but not to many since they can be extremely dangerous inside. And also some simple ones, kinda like the flame when we first met. After a few hours my eye began to grow heavy. And, Vaati poked me. "Hey (y/n), I think it's time for you to go to bed." I sleepily nodded, and felt Vaati pick me up and teleport to my room. He set down on the bed and was about to walk out before I grabbed the back of his cape. "Thank you for stealing me away. I don't think I want to leave." He smiled and kneeled down. "That's okay, you don't need to." I hummed a thanks and drifted into sleep, but not before I felt the faint feeling of a kiss on my forehead and heard Vaati whisper a "Good night, darling."

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