IV: SOS for this kitty

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Yeji's POV

"Would that be all, Ms. Hwang?" the human asked me.

She's listing all the appliances and furnitures i pointed out to buy. What else do i need?

I broke in Ryujin's house earlier to see all the things she has in there. I didn't know all the names of these human-made tools that's why i just kept pointing out the ones similar with Ryujin's.

I told them it has to be delivered within an hour. I frowned when i saw them shocked. Slowpokes. I stared at the saleslady, hypnotizing her to follow my order.

I proceeded to the boutique, i need more clothes. I did the same on how i managed to get all that appliances. Hypnotizing and offering them gold. Now, it's time for me to buy food.

"What do you mean you can't accept these?" i asked frustratedly.

The restaurant said they don't accept gold bars no matter how many i offered. My hypnotism couldn't work either due to the glass covering them.

I gave up and saw the other customers staring at me. I smirked at them as i gave all the gold bars i had to each one of them. Sparkle was seen in their eyes making me laugh inside. Those gold bars i gave would turn into sand an hour later. But the ones i used in paying are real ones, given that those humans treated me nicely.

I continued to walk around when my eyes stopped at a familiar place. I saw two ladies playing at the prize claw and the girl recording the other one. I just found myself smiling bitterly.

'It's not time for that, Yeji.'

I got out of the mall and checked around first before flying back to my new house. Yes, i bought an apartment at Ryujin's village. I still don't know what should i do in order to be close to her again. I know she's still freaked out.


3rd Person's POV

The blonde-black-haired girl is lost in her thoughts thinking about Yeji, whom she just met last night till the sunlight hits her face making her groan.

"Yeji..." she unconsciously mumbled.

It's been 4 days since she's been feeling pain on her chest without her knowing the reason. Fragments of the latest moments she had with Yeji would be in her dreams making her confused the moment she wakes up.

Every time she sees her, she's feeling an urge of embracing her. She just stops herself feeling frightened by Yeji, and by herself.

Time passed with just Ruujin working on her laptop, with her friends sometimes making conversation with her. Her shift is over.

She reached her house as Jisu gave her a ride. Jisu gave her a kiss on the cheeks before she could go out making her blush. It's been like this between them for months. Both of them are hesitating to risk it all. But Ryujin had more reasons to not date her. One, she doesn't want to ruin their friendship. Two, she's waiting for something she's not even sure of.

It's just, she kept all the blank polaroids she found on that box, and still would try solve the puzzles in her mind.


Yeji's POV

All the appliances arrived an hour earlier and now I'm setting them all up. I'm trying to figure out how they work by remembering how Ryujin used them and by reading all these instructions.

I'm sitting on my black sofa, watching on the television I bought. I was eating the crackers when i smelled something burning. I got up, confused as i tried to find where is that coming from. That's when i realized it's the chocolate i put in the microwave. I ran to it quickly and ended up completely breaking the machine out of panic. I got the chocolate out feeling disappointed at myself.

"Dumb, Yeji."


Night came and I'm here in my bathroom.

"AHHH!" i exclaimed after the cold water touched my body. I turned it again and this time it was too hot.

"That's it,"

With that, i just used my own flames to heat up the tub. I won't use the shower anymore. 

I finished taking a bath and laid down on my bed. I need to recharge since i did so much today. I'll see Ryujin tomorrow, when everything's already settled in here.

"Good night, my love," i weakly said as i fell into a deep slumber.


I'm out here slowly walking on the sidewalk waiting for Ryujin to come out her house. And she did, minutes after. She still had that shocked look on her face the moment our eyes met but she smiled right after. I smiled back.

"Good morning," i said.

"Good morning," she responded.

We're just walking side by side quietly. I knew it was her day off today but i won't play with her memories. I need to figure something out first.

I'm just walking happily with Ryujin walking by my side when i tripped. Ryujin's hand immediately held my arm to stop me from falling causing a light electric shock in my body.

"Be careful," she said.

She's giving me a confused look as if she's trying to figure out who i was.

"T-thank you," I can't believe I'm stuttering.


My eyes widened.

But the next thing happened made me realize she didn't really remember me.


Ryujin's POV

"Be careful," i said to her.

I'm kinda surprised at me holding her arm but i also knew it's just my reflexes. I remained staring directly at her eyes causing chaos in my mind.

"Yeddeong," i blurted out.

What was that?

Her surprised look was changed into a longing one making me gulp. I'm confused. I dropped her arm and that's when i felt a little dizzy.

"Are you okay?" she worriedly said.

"Y-yes..." i answered.

My mind is calm again. I tried to remember what popped in my head but nothing. It's like this everytime I'm with Yeji.

We were left quiet when my phone rang.

Lia~ calling...


"Yay, you're up! Let's go grab some coffee?"

"Oh sure, I'm already outside," i chuckled. "I'll meet you there."

I glanced at Yeji who's looking down.

"Uhm..." Come on, Ryu say something.

"I need to go somewhere, I'll see you later?" i said.

She just nodded and gave me a faint smile. A smile that caused a pain on my chest. I want answers with all the weird things happening to me.

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