No More....

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I started this novel so excited for it because of the summary created by the author. I will say that this novel... has sSO MUCH DOGBLOOD!! WHY!! It was such a sweet summary, why did it turn into a horrid rendition of Love is Like an Illsuion???

I'M WARNING YOU, WORST GONG AWARD GOES TO THIS SCUM! I don't hate cold and unfeeling gongs but at least show your emotion to your loved on once in a while.

I ended up skimming the rest of this novel to see what ends up happening and its nothing but dogblood, ansty, s*upid miscommunication, old lovers, run away new mother omegas. etc, etcc. Like I said, angsty, horrird rendition of Love is Like an Illusion. It's the reason I could not finish the translation and started posting it on my Wattpad account. Maybe others will like it, I just cannont stomach the gong another minute longer. That ice block is too far in the Antartic for my taste.

I posted these unedited chapters of this novel I started to translate but do not see myself continuing on Wattpad with the hopes that maybe other translators will pick it up.

This novels have nothing to do with ExR since I do not know if they will ever be completed and I do not want to effect ExR's reputation.

I just want these novels to see some light of day. So any translator who wants to pick up this novel is free to do so! If you want the raws, I'd be more than willing to send you a copy! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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