The Spiral Of Obsession

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He told me he loved me
I told him I loved him too
We were in a tunnel together
It always got bigger as my love grew

I held his hand as we watched the halls thrive
His hand felt warm in mine
I loved to feel the pulse under his skin
I've always wanted to bite into his flesh

I decorated the walls with drawings of him
I fell in love more every day
The tunnel turned into a spiral
I couldn't stop thinking about him

He was trapped
He told me to let him out
"You can't obsess over me like this"
The drawings on the walls bled

He grew to hate me
I got replaced by new faces
My mind scrambled up until everything was dark
Blood dripped in my eyes, morals became blurry

His skin tasted bitter on my tongue
He didn't know where else to run
Monsters hid in every corner
They took him apart from the inside

I held his heart in my hands
I'm sorry I didn't treat it better
It broke into pulsing shards of hate
I'm sorry I couldn't pick up the pieces

It ate me up inside, my guts spilled out down the spiral
The darkness took his body from me
I couldn't cry about him being gone
I could only look down the tunnel and watch it crumble

Authors note
Hii I haven't written poems for a longgg time and I'm just getting back into it so I'm a bit rusty but I hope somebody enjoys it :)

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