Chapter 6

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September 30th, 2009 - Wednesday

Vicki lets out a groan as they wake up to the sounds of birds chirping outside of the house. If only she could get a few more hours of sleep. Caroline is snuggled in a blanket on the other side of the couch while Matt and Tyler choose to sleep on the floor.

"We have to go to school" Vicki says solemnly as she props her head off of the couch.

"Yippie." Tyler mutters out sarcastically from his spot on the floor as he lets out a yawn and then he grabs his cellphone from his pocket. "Mason says that he'll be here sometime in November. He has to tie things up or whatever."

"I wouldn't mind being all tied up by him." Vicki says under her breath, luckily no one heard her.

"Mason is like your really hot Uncle right?" Caroline asks curiously from the other edge of the couch. "He used to babysit me you know?"

Tyler rolls his eyes at her while keeping his focus on his phone. "I wouldn't know Caroline. I'm not into men."

Caroline snorts. "Obviously, otherwise you and Jeremy would've been going at it like jackhammers by now."

Tyler shivers in disgust at the image it plants in his mind and shakes his head. "Shut up Caroline."

"Oh, you two." Vicki mutters as she gets up from the couch and heads towards her room, then she stops midway and shouts playfully. "Just kiss already."

The blonde in question rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest with a huff as she protests loudly. "I am so not kissing him."

The other occupants in the room decide to ignore her statement as Tyler shuts his phone with a frustrated sigh. "Well, it sort of helps but - that all depends on how long it takes for him to actually get here."

"Then we have to assume that he won't be much help for now" Vicki says flatly before frowning. "We need to get more vervain for all of us. Other then what I already gave you two anyways."

Caroline looks at Vicki skeptically, she was still having a harder time taking it in. "Are you sure that vampires have a reaction to vervain? It just seems so - simple, and kind of well - dull?"

"It'll help though." Vicki tells her with a shrug. "We've made sure to use it in our household cleaners."

"Alright fine." Caroline grumbles with a sigh. "This is going to suck."

"Yeah?" Vicki questions Caroline, feeling stressed out. It doesn't help that she still has the fucking side effects of drug abuse. Damn it all. " At least you don't keep seeing yourself die over and over again."

"Hey." Matt and Tyler protest loudly, both fo them looking pained. "We've seen it too."

Caroline nods solemnly, her mood dropping. "And I saw it last night. What's happening to us?"

"I was just trying to keep my brother and I from dying." Vicki says in defense without actually answering the blondes question.

"What about us then, huh?" Caroline asks grudgingly as she crosses her arms and glares at Vicki. "Don't we deserve to stay alive too?"

Vicki shrugs and looks at her sadly. "I'm sorry. I really didn't want you to let Damon out. Then we found out that he would've killed you this time around if he had and ... I'm glad you're not dead. But it means that you got saved too since you were here."

"Somehow it's connected to the four of us now, or maybe it's just you. Like it'll only happen to us if we're around you?You are probably connecting us and that allows us to see what you see so that we can all make adjustments to keep each other safe." Tyler suggests with a shrug. "Nothing else really makes sense right? Otherwise we wouldn't all be seeing it with you right? We didn't do the ritual thing."

Repeat - V1 - Pairing - Vicki x Kol and Arcadius Where stories live. Discover now