Chapter 30-Meg

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Jai walks me back to my tent. We both put our things away and come back out. I decide to switch my flip flops for tennis shoes.
"No thongs?" he asks as I sit on the ground and put on my socks.
"I'm still a little freaked out right now," I admit. "I'm assuming that means flip flops," I add.
"Is that what you call them?" he says sitting down nearby me.
"Yeah," I nod. "Why thongs?"
He laughs, "I dunno. I think the style is based off of the Japanese shoes, you know."
"Geta?" I question as I pull on one shoe, then the other.
"Is that what they're called?" he asks me.
"It is. That makes sense," I say. I can't help laughing. "Do you know what thongs are in American English?"
"No idea," he tells me.
I laugh again.
"So what are they?" he asks.
"I'm sorry. I don't know if I can have that kind of conversation with you. I think I need a guy to help me. Maybe Izaak or Floyd," I say still laughing.
"You done?" he asks climbing up.
"Yeah," I reply. He holds out his hands to me. I take them rising. "Thank you."
"No worries," he grins still holding my hands.
"Let's go see what everyone else is doing," I suggest. "Oh, wait," I say turning around. I grab my flashlight and put it around my wrist. It's starting to get darker. I'd hate to not be able to see where I'm going when the sun sets.
"Is that a torch?" he asks.
"No," I laugh. "It's a flashlight." I pause and realize... "Is that what you call it?" I question.
"Uh huh," he nods.
"Sorry, I'm being a stupid foreigner," I apologize.
"It's alright," he says soothingly. "I don't understand everything in American English either. But I am dying to find out what thongs are."
I can't help the laugh that bubbles out of my chest at that. He's smiling at me as we make our way to the group.  They're at the pavilion but it looks like some people are gathering near a fire between the tents and where we're headed.  I see Gale sitting with the two men I'm searching for and I join them. 
"I need some help translating for Jai," I admit grinning. 
"What's the word?" Gale asks. 
"Thongs," I say.  The guys laugh and Gale looks confused.  
"You mean the things you use to pick up salad and hot dogs..." she says trailing off. 
"Not tongs, thongs with a TH," I explain. 
"Booty string?" she grins and I bend over giggling. 
The guys are on the ground laughing. 
"Why do I have a feeling this is something indecent?" Jai asks laughing. 
"What are thongs for you?" Izaak asks him wiping the tears from his eyes. 
Jai lifts up a foot. 
"Flip flops?" Floyd asks. 
"Apparently," Jai nods. 
"So in the US, thongs are something a girl would wear to the beach," Floyd starts trying not to laugh. 
"Or underwear," Izaak adds grinning. 
"Or that," Floyd nods.  "There's no bottom to it, just a string so their whole backside would be showing."
"Guys could wear it, too," Gale adds quickly, laughing. 
"Not any guy I'd date," I point out. 
"Me, either," she adds high fiving me. 
"You mean bum floss?" he asks. "Like a g-string?"
"I think so," I laugh.
"Gross.  You Americans are weird," he chuckles. 
"Yeah, I'm weird?" I say nudging him.  "This is a torch."
"That's a flashlight," Gale points out confused. 
I look to Jai raising my eyebrows. 
"I'll show you a torch," Izaak says running off to the fire. 
We all follow chuckling.  Floyd picks up Gale throwing her over his shoulder.  Jai does the same with me.  I'm laughing at him but I notice...
"How in the world are you running in flip flops?" I ask. 
"Because my thongs are better than your crummy American ones," he points out. 
I giggle at that.  He sets me down and everyone is joking around and laughing. 
"This is a torch," Izaak says pulling a stick out of the fire. 
Jai grins at him. 
"Put that down.  We don't need you starting another fire," Pastor Ben teases Izaak.  He listens and we join the group.  I'm between Gale and Jai.  She's next to Floyd and then Izaak.  Alvin and Luis are here with their wives.  More people are joining us. 
"So, what's the plan, Pastor?" Gale asks. 
"I was thinking a short reading..." he starts and most everyone around us groans.  "...and then fellowship."
"Really, Pastor Ben?" Izaak whines. 
"Trust me.  It's applicable," he insists. 
Everyone else joins us.  We move closer together to make room for them.  I think this is the whole group. 
"Okay.  It looks like everyone is here," Pastor Ben starts.  "I'm going to read from Matthew 11:28-30.  These are the words of Jesus.  Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.  Why don't we all say what that scripture means to us or something about what we've done today that's relevant?"
I raise my hand and he nods to me.  "I feel like even though we're all probably exhausted, what we're doing is greater than the little bit of exertion we've put in.  We're making a difference in people's lives.  I feel like listening to God's calling is not difficult and not a burden.  It should be a pleasure for us to do what we can.  He's done everything for us.  I don't mind doing something for the least of these," I say. 
"Teacher's pet," Gale coughs nudging me. 
I chuckle. 
"Nah, but seriously.  His burden is light," she says.  "It's so easy to come to God.  He's been in our shoes and knows our troubles.  There's nothing we can do that would shock him.  He's always waiting for us to turn from our mistakes and run to him."
"Like the prodigal son," Pastor Ben nods.  "He's the loving father that's always welcoming us with open arms."
Several more people join in the conversation and make similar comments.  I look over to Jai.  His eyes are fixed on me.  I smile at him.  He smiles back. 
"Too bad we don't have marshmallows," Gale says quietly. 
"Who said there was no marshmallows?" Pastor Ben asks.  He lifts some big bags from behind him to show that he's got several. 
"Aww, you're making my camping experience complete," Gale says sweetly. 
"Sorry, no graham crackers or chocolate, though," he says. 
"We have a fire pit in my parent's backyard.  You can come over this summer," I tell her. 
"Really?" she questions excitedly. 
"Sure," I shrug.  She hugs me.  I hug her back. 
"You country folk have got it made," she grins. 
"We're not in the country.  We're in the suburbs," I point out. 
"You have a corn field in your backyard," she disagrees. 
"Yeah," I admit.  "I guess we're kind of out there a ways."
"Yeah, you've got poisonous spiders in your backyard," she laughs. 
"Not anymore," I point out. 
"Same with the shower," Jai comments. 
"What happened with the shower?" Pastor Ben asks concerned. 
I explain what happened and that Jai took care of it.  He looks surprised. 
"It's no big deal," Jai shrugs it off.  "We've got worse ones back home."
"I hope I don't see one of those forty legs," Pastor Ben comments. 
"What's that?" I ask. 
"That's what the locals call the giant centipedes," he replies. 
"Me either," I agree. 
"I thought your family was into tarantulas and stuff," he comments. 
"That's Artie that likes those.  He's got his daughter into them, too," I point out. 
"I've heard you've held it," he responds. 
"He's got an Arizona blonde," I defend. 
"It's a tarantula," he counters. 
"But she's a sweetheart," I say. 
"You've held tarantulas?" Jai questions shocked. 
I nod and shrug, "She's nicer."
"Oh, wait... I think I've seen a picture of that," Pastor Ben says.  He pulls out his phone and passes around the picture my brother posted of me holding Blondie. 
"And you were afraid of the little brown one?" Gale says raising an eyebrow.  
"She's docile and a pet.  The other one was poisonous.  She doesn't kick hairs or anything," I defend. 
They ask me what that means and I explain how it's a defense mechanism and that it's painful if they do it. 
Jai gets the phone and examines the image before passing it on.  "I'm impressed," he whispers closely to me. 
I smile up at him. 
Pastor Ben gets out the marshmallows and we all roast them.  I help both Jai and Gale since neither of them have ever done this before.  I see Izaak burn his but he eats it anyway.  Jai and Gale get theirs perfectly golden brown like how I prefer mine.  We eat them together and we're all smiling and laughing. 
Gale, Izaak, Floyd, Jai and I all head to bed together since we're neighbors—me leading the way with my torch.  I notice some fireflies on the way and point them out. 
"You know that's how they mate," Jai comments. 
"What is it with you and mating?" Gale laughs. 
Jai shrugs, "Just stating truths."
We all split off and go to bed.  Jai is still standing with me.  "How are you doing after today?" he asks me moving a stray hair out of my face. 
"I'm good.  I don't think I overdid it," I reply. 
"I meant about this morning," he says softly stepping closer. 
I realize he's talking about Spencer.  "I'm thankful," I tell him. 
He furrows his brows in confusion so I explain. 
"I'm thankful I was there to see exactly how he really is when he thinks I'm not watching," I tell him.  "I'm thankful I forgot my inhalers or I would've never known.  I'm grateful you were there, that you brought me, stayed with me, recorded it, and got me through it.  I'm grateful that it's over and that my mom is handling the parts I can't deal with now.  I'm mostly thankful that I didn't marry someone like that."
"I'm thankful you didn't marry someone like him either," he whispers.  "He never deserved you."
"Yeah," I frown thinking about how blind and foolish I was in that relationship. 
"What's the matter?" he asks. 
"I hope I'm not that... blind in a relationship again.  Believe me, my eyes are opened now.  No more uneven yokes," I say mostly to myself. 
"What does that mean?" he asks me.  "Is it an American thing or something?"
"Which part?" I ask. 
"Uneven yokes?" he questions. 
"It's a Christianity thing.  It means he's not a believer.  I was blindsided.  He told me he was but he didn't mean it.  It was an act," I explain.  "I'm sorry.  I'm not trying to confuse you."
"It's okay," he says hugging me goodnight. 
"Goodnight," I tell him hugging him back.  He tells me the same as we part.  I climb into my tent and text my mom before going to bed.  I pull my Bible out and read a little by flashlight. I read Genesis four.  It's difficult to read, a hard story to get through.  Adam and Eve conceive their first two children—Cain and Abel.  Then one brother kills the other and he's cursed.  They have Seth, the replacement son.  This story is so heartbreaking.  I make a few notes from my study guide and sigh.  I set it aside and turn my torch off.  I look in the direction of Jai's tent.  I hope I don't offend him by the things I say.  It's just that I know he's an unbeliever.  I'm not sure if what I say to him is getting through.  I hope so.  I ask God to give him a new heart—to take his heart of stone and turn it into a heart of flesh.  I ask God to give him eyes to see.  He already has kindness and compassion in his heart.  I think he needs understanding and sight.  I ask God to bless the rest of my new friends and the work of our hands.  I ask for blessings on my family and I ask God to help Spencer get his life sorted out, that he makes better decisions.  That he turns from his wicked ways and sees the light...

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