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 Online so much is different.

Online I can be a different person entirely. I don't have to be Cindy Blue Who, or Gem, or other nicknames that aren't who I really am. Online I can learn so much.

Online I know that the first 21 digits of pi are 3.1415926535 8979323846...on and on and on until infinity. Online I can look up my mom. Her name, only nine letters: Fern Evine. Online I can look up old Linvent newspapers and find out exactly when and where my parents were married.

I can access Facebook and discover that the last time my mom liked one of my dad's posts was two years before I was born.

I can scroll through a homepage and know more about my father than I ever have. A successful CEO of some company with a model wife and six year-old twin girls. I have half-sisters. And their names are Daffodil and Dahlia. So maybe this stranger, Richard Cooper, did something right. Naming my half-sisters after flowers. I wish I knew them, sometimes, before I remember that Richard Cooper's Facebook page states that he's been with the company for over ten years. Where was he when we got evicted from our house and we lost everything? I've learned that, especially when it comes to my father, there's not much you can count on him for except a cheap three-year late 7th birthday card.

Online I can have friends who don't judge me because they don't know me. Online I can be literally anyone and anything. I can look up flowers, names, dates, information, times, places, and anything in the world I can think of.

But when does it stop?

Everything good does.

I cannot trust something...robotic.


I'd be so much safer with books and handheld cameras.

So maybe online...

It's not worth it?

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