Chapter 39

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"Have you and Bobby considered the idea of marriage?"

This question seemed to throw me for a loop. I was expecting a Mountie report to have made it to the Oval Office or some sort of overthinking bullshit that was in my head, but now the preposition of marrying Bobby was definitely now on the table of discussion....yet I suddenly felt shock, surprise and distrust. What was this about?

"Um, well....I certainly wasn't expecting that one, Jack." I laughed nervously.

"I know, forgive my bluntness on that. I just wanted to know for my own personal information and I realize that may not be right...but he's my brother. More than a brother, actually. He's my best friend and I don't want anyone hurting him. Surely you can understand that." He said as if he were truly nervous of me, almost as if I had some sort of power over him that I could not see my possession of using.

"Well, certainly. I have two sisters and a brother, remember? It's always a fear of mine should anything happen to them. It is as it should be, and I admire your care for your brother in that way." I answered, diplomatically confused.

"It is the right thing to do."

"Yet, I am most concerned with the aspect as to how that could be legally possible? Your government offers no options for same sex marriage and your constituents are in no mood to promote such a thing innthe midst of either their fears of the Communist threat or the space race

"Lem speaks very highly of you, by the way." Jack answered back.

"Does he?"

"He does; in fact he told me to tell you that he wants to know if you are free anytime soon?" Jack asked sheepishly.


I discovered the test, I had sniffed out the bomb like the canary in the trench. This was a test of my loyalty to Robert.

If I answered yes, I would seem easy and available.

If I said no, I would be seen as a snobbish prig.

Very good, Jack.

"I should very much like to do something with him AND with Bobby. Perhaps we three could even entertain the notion or trouble of involving you?" I laughed as I effortlessly pulled off a response.

Jack looked truly relieved as it showed across his face that there was no involvement between me and Lem. I adored the man, but he's the friend you bring along to see a Judy Garland or Shirley Temple matinee. He was not Bobby and he would never BE Bobby in any respect.

Yes, dear readers, it is possible for men who are attracted to other men to have friends who are other men. Unfortunately, many do not see this very noticeable distinction in the thick and weighty line between these two very different concepts. They see a line of sand instead of one of metal, one that can be washed away and redrawn to fit whatever concept they best percieve for themselves. And that is all I am willing to say on that growing problem of "situationship" without feeling disdain for the subject.

Perhaps it's because I have always believed that there is specifically one person for each soul on earth? I will never understand myself fully no matter how many days or months or years pass by, but I'd like to think that there's specifically one love for one person and for one soul to have one half of another in exchange for giving half of them in return.

"I'd very much like that." came the response back.

"Jack, I also need to say this to you while I am here. I know you're a busy man and so I do not like to waste your valuable time or your energy, but you must know this.

Kennedy's SecretaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora