2nd day of Kawaii Daycare! ( Time For Kindergarten!)

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It's time for another day at Kawaii Daycare!

Again, Their parents dropped them off.

But this time Draco was a sick so he can't really go to kindergarten,

but he will still be at the daycare!

( So don't you worry cause' I'm still making him talk in this story- )

Anyway enjoy reading!


Baby Funneh: Oh yay! wew fwinawwy hire!

( Oh yay! were finally here! )

Baby Lunar: Dwaco, u okway? 

( Draco, you okay? )

Baby Draco: Achoo! Nu... Waaaa!

( Achoo! No... Waaaa! )


Caretaker Rainbow from inside heard Draco's cry so she went outside to check

She knew that Draco was sick the very first she saw him

Rainbow picked Draco up and told the rest of the babies to follow her inside.


Caretaker Gold: Oh no, what happened?

Baby Lunar: Dwaco wis swick! hwe went outswide westerday fwor a whie, twen wen hwe cwame bwach, hwe kept sweezing.

(Draco is sick, He went outside yesterday for a while, then when he came back, he kept sneezing.)

Caretaker Gold: I see...

Caretaker Rainbow: I don't know... He just kept crying outside.

( Also Gold actually learned baby language. Don't ask, this is a story, keep everything unrealistic- )

Caretaker Gold: How about we bring him to bed.

Caretaker Rainbow: But what about the test?

Caretaker Gold: It's fine, He could do it next time


While Caretaker Gold was carrying baby Draco, Rainbow whispered to her.

" There will be no next time Gold, if his siblings pass the test, then they will be turned into dolls "


"  Shush! The baby will hear what your saying! "

Gold responded

Gold went to put baby Draco in the baby room, She also remembered to give him some medication as well.

While Gold was taking care of Draco, Rainbow was left taking care of the other kids, There was also 3 other kids in the daycare as well.

Hazel, Lily, and Luna


Caretaker Rainbow: So, Lunar and Funneh, Meet the new kids! Hazel, Lily and Luna!

Lunar: *Insert gasp lol* Wuna swounds wike mwy nwame!

( Luna sounds like my name! )

Luna: Hewo!

( Hello! )

Caretaker Rainbow: Aww! You guys are being friends already? How about we talk later! It's time to study!

All the babies: Aww...

Hazel: Oh cwap!

( Oh crap! )

Caretaker Rainbow: No, no, We don't say that word! Who taught you it?

Hazel: Mwy dad! whenwever hwe gwets cwalled fwor work hwe sways " Cwap! "

( My dad! whenever he gets called for work, he says " Crap! " )

Caretaker Rainbow: Well don't say it, okay?

Hazel: Okwie!

( Okay! )


The kids followed Rainbow to the study room, the babies room was in the other side so they had to be quiet...

When they were there, they all sat down and Rainbow started giving them some papers.
They weren't really regular papers. They were papers about how to live as a doll! 

Since the babies couldn't read, Rainbow just kept quiet and didn't say anything.

After the test only Luna, Lily and Hazel passed Lunar and Funneh failed unfortunately.


Lily: Way! re pwased!

( Yay! we passed! )

Hazel and Luna: Weah!

( Yeah! )

Lunar: Aww... I dwidn't pwass!

( Aww... I didn't pass! )

Funneh: Swame! 

( Same! )

Rainbow: It's okay! You can try next time!


Luna, Hazel and Lily followed Rainbow to a " Employee's Only! " Room but when Rainbow came back the kids weren't with her...

I wonder what happened?

Rainbow then told Funneh and Lunar to go play and ignore where the kids went...

Draco got better and started playing with them as well! 

Their parents came and picked them up but when the kid's parents came they told them a terrible accident happened

The parents cried and left after, Draco overheard their conversation and never forgot about it since...

But were here wondering, will the three babies ever figure out the dark secret behind this? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

The end of 2nd day at Kawaii Daycare


Kawaii Daycare with the Krew! ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang