4th day of Kawaii Daycare ( The Young Caretaker )

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Warning: Angst?? Mention of d3ath 

As the three babies were already having trouble with getting out, they have more trouble to take care of, The two caretakers hired a young caretaker but she never planned on making the kids into dolls. She wanted them to be free, that's because she went to that daycare. 

Rainbow and Gold took care of her, she was the favorite. But when it was time to be a doll, she was given a choice to work for them, or become a doll.

The Young Caretaker didn't want to, but she had a plan that was sure to never get caught. She planned to free all the children from this daycare. But she had to sacrifice her own life just for it.

When she realized her parents never cared for her. She had nothing... She thought she had nothing to do now. She wanted to end her life.

Years past and she turned 11 and you may be wondering, who this young person is? well she is... not me :DD 

yes I am not adding myself in this story unfortunately- 
But I will be adding... Amaya!

- Amaya explanation in my AU - ( Can Skip )

Particularly, to explain her in my AU ( not this one ) she is a girl that comes at night and helps people if they're not in a good mood and have some problems.

If a person tries to be mean to her, they will have bad luck for the rest of the day.

If people try to k1ll her she has full permission to do what she wants with them.

She's a fairy that was sent to earth to help people in need :33

- End of explanation -

So, in this AU she is a loving, caring and helpful person. and would put anyone before herself, she thinks of everyone as family but when they decide to betray her, well, she might just do the same.

She's young and smart. Gold and Rainbow were her only family, the kids would bully her and her parents never payed attention to her.

When she realized that they ( Gold and Rainbow ) were gonna turn her into a doll even if she said no. She had no one... No one to go to for help. No one cared for her. At least, that's what she thought.


Caretaker Rainbow: Okay everyone! Meet your new caretaker.

Amaya looked at the kids, she looked miserable but forces herself to fake a smile :))

Amaya: H-hello Kids! I hope I have a great time g-getting to know you all hehe!

Gold whispers to Amaya.

Caretaker Gold: You know, you really have to practice talking...

Amaya: Y-yes maam...


Meanwhile with the three babies...


Baby Draco: Aw cwap! Dwo we sweriouwy nweed anwother pwerson?

( Aw crap! Do we seriously need another person? )

Baby Lunar: I knwow twis wis werd bwut i cwan awmost fweel wike shez fwaking it aww...

( I know this is weird but I can almost feel like she's faking it all.. )

Baby Funneh: Ywour nwot thwe onwy wone wunar, I cwan fweel wit two...

( Your not the only one Lunar, I can feel it too... )

Baby Draco: Ywou gwuys are werd-

( You guys are weird- )

The babies except Draco: Ywou thwink!?

( You think?! )

Baby Draco: Jweez-

( Jeez- )

Amaya: S-sorry to ask this maam but, who are those kids?

Caretaker Rainbow: The three babies we need to get rid of.

Amaya: W-what?

Caretaker Gold: They know the " secret"


Amaya was so relieved there was finally some kids that have a brain
( No offense to the kids HAHA- )

The three babies also reminded her of her and her friends. They were so immature and she enjoyed every moment she was with them.

She just wished she could've made more of those moments. Unfortunately, They turned into dolls. She was the last one. 

Now you might be wondering, didn't you just say that Amaya's only family was Rainbow and Gold. Well I only did that so you guys wouldn't know about her friends yet.

Anyway, Back to the story :33


Amaya: I s-see...

Caretaker Gold: I know your scared, but don't worry, the process of a child being turned into a doll is fast and painless

Caretaker Rainbow: If you do decide to not follow our rules we may turn you into one.

Amaya: I-I promise I'll follow it.

Caretaker Gold: Good : )

A random baby: Hewwo!

( Hello! )

Caretaker Rainbow: That's your cue.

Amaya: H-hi!

A random baby: Way awe u stwuttwering?

( Why are you stuttering? )

Amaya: J-just nervous...

A random baby: Oh! okie, hwow owld are wou?

( Oh! okie, how old are you? )

Amaya: Eleven... ( 11 )

A random baby: My owder bwother wis wone wear wolder dwan u

( My older brother is one year older than you )

Amaya: O-oh... 

A random baby: Cwan u pway wit me?

( Can you play with me? )

Amaya: Sure...

A random baby: Your shwaking, ware wou cold? I hwave a bwanket!

( Your shaking, are you cold? I have a blanket! )

Amaya: O-oh, thank you?

Codee: Nwo pwobwem! Mwy nwame wis Codee!

( No problem! My name is Codee! )

Amaya: W-what a nice name...

Codee: Dwid ywou knwow mwy nwame mweans wim wone who wis vrery hwelpful wand hwelps wothers win nweed?

( Did you know my name means I'm one who is very helpful and helps others in need? )

Amaya: I didn't know that, thanks for the information.

Codee: Nwo pwobwem!

( No problem! )

Caretaker Gold: How sad, that child is very smart and if another test does happen she will become a doll.

Caretaker Rainbow: We can turn her into a caretaker like us.

Caretaker Gold: But was she as smart as Amaya?

Caretaker Rainbow: Of course, and I know it.


Rainbow walked away as Gold took care of the other kids, you might be wondering why Rainbow and Gold are doing this, you will figure it out soon. I guess somewhere in the end of this book.

Let's see what the three babies are doing, let's call them hmm, the chaotic trio.

It was snack time yet the chaotic trio had no motivation to eat, Gold noticed it and felt bad, of course she needed to stay strong even after all of those sacrifices just so she could live. Rainbow felt the same but both of them had to fake everything, unlike Amaya, no one expected a thing. 

So, now let's see what the chaotic trio is doing now.

( I'm making them talk normally since I'm getting super lazy )


Baby Funneh: I'm really tired...

Baby Lunar and Draco: Same.

Baby Funneh: Why is this happening, do our parents even know about this?

Baby Lunar: They have to, don't they?

Baby Draco: I mean they never cared for us and just put us in the daycare all the time. Sometimes they even leave us overnight.

Baby Funneh: They probably put us here without knowing on what's gonna happen to us.

Baby Lunar: I agree with you.

Millie: Hey guys! 

Baby Funneh: Hey Mil.

Millie: Why are you sad? are you bored? hungry? hurt?

Baby Lunar: You have always been the worried friend.

Millie: Sorry, hehe-

Baby Draco: Were fine just, tired...

Millie: Do you want me to get a caretaker?

Baby Funneh: No, were fine.

Millie: Alright, do you wanna go to the movie area? I heard there was some popcorn!

Baby Funneh: We would love to, but the stairs-

Millie: Cmon! It's so worth it. They even put a new movie!

Baby Lunar: Okay.

Millie: Yay!


They all went to the movie area and that really boosted their happiness, Amaya saw this and watched with them.

Then Gold came, she was taking care of the other children so she couldn't watch with them, same with Rainbow. They were having so much fun.

Not a lot of them ( the rest of the children ) could be saved before they figure out how to get out.

But Amaya is having none of that, she want everyone to be free, the next test is in 2-3 days, will she be able to save all of them in a short amount of time?

I guess we'll know in the next part >:DD


End of Part 4 ...

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