Chapter 1: New House

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Hey there! Let's start..
PS: Some scenes have bad words....

Janessa's POV
"Jeremy!!! A little help here please...." Damn!! This boxes a heavy! I'm thankful that Jeremy is here.
"Give me that, baby. I already told you that moving houses are fuckin' hard." Wtf! Why did he called me 'baby'? I hate him when he calls me that.
"Will you please stop calling my BABY?!? For pete's sake.." He just laughed at me while carrying those huge boxes.
He's wearing those blue sleeveless shirt, so I can totally see his biceps.
Honestly, Jeremy is freakin' hot.
Sometimes, when he is shirtless he makes me wet. Hahaha

"Nessa!! Can you please bring me the small box which says "Curtains"..Please Sis!"
So, I went to the car, and start looking for that box.
I couldn't find it.
"Bro, I can't find it!!" I shouted so loud because Jeremy is in I think.

I can hear foot steps, coming from the house. I think it is Jeremy.

"Fine....I'll just look for it.." He said while frowning. I know he's tired. He's like, helping Mum and Dad for hours.
I'm feeling guilty.
I didn't help him nor Mum and Dad in packing all of the stuffs in our old house. I only fixed my stuff and that's all.
A well this house is bigger than our old one.
I know, I'm a BRAT. But I feel bad because I didn't help.

"There it is!" He said, while smiling.
"Jer, I'm sorry. I didn't help. Well all these boxes, I'll help you carry and organize them all." I'm really feeling guilty. But I think, there will be a lot of organizing. This house is so huge than our other house! This is a four-story house. There is a pool and a garden at the back of the house. I also reserved 2 cute pups in the Dog Pound. 1 for me and 1 for Jeremy.
"Okay... You can carry those small boxes and your luggage. Bring your luggage to your new room." I can hear it in his voice that he is tired.

I carried all my luggage and brought it to my new room.
My room was pretty and.......BIG....
It's pretty... The color of the walls are black and violet while the ceilings are violet.
I also have my own bathroom. the color is violet and black, like a zebra's skin pattern.
After fixing all my clothes and other stuff, I went down stairs to see how Mum, Dad and Jer was doing.
I saw the three of them lying down in the couch, sleeping. Some boxes are still not opened and arranged, so I decided to put them all in the right place.
All of our maids are on Vacation for a 3 fucking weeks!! So we have no choice to arrange these all by ourselves.
Finally I already finished fixing all that boxes.

Oh Fuck!! I forgot!! Me and Jeremy had school work!! It will be submitted tomorrow. Shit!!

Me and Jeremy are school mates. He waited for one year because Mum and Dad wants us to be classmates so that it wouldn't be hard for us to do homeworks, school projects/works, and also for us to study with each other. But...what they want or assuming is not happening.
We study and do homeworks by ourselves but sometimes on projects, we help each other.

"Sweetie?" Daddy called me. I'm sure he is so tired of all that arranging and also his work in his office.
"Yes, dad." I answered as I go near him and sat beside Mum.
"Are you tired already? You can go and sleep now." I can hear in his voice that he is worried.
"No, Dad. I'm fine. I only arranged a few boxes and I also cleaned my room. You guys, should go get rest. ☺️" I helped him stand. I knew it, his back ached.
"Thank you, Sweetie." He smiled to me and I smiled back.
"And, Dad. Would you mind if I tell you to stop calling me Sweetie? Hehehe I just feel girly and.............weird. Hehehe" It really annoys me when people call me girly names like "Babe, Darling, Sweetie, Honey, etc"
"Okay, Nessa. I'll just go upstairs and go get some rest. And, Can you wake your Mum? I want her to be beside me. I also don't think we are not going to get some rest tonight. You know what I mean, don't ya? Hahaha" Dad is being green today. Hahaha I'm sure he missed Mum because he's been out of town for work.
"Yeah, Dad..I know..Hahahha"

He went upstairs while I try to wake Mum up.
Finally, she is already awaked.
"Mum, Dad wants you to go upstairs and sleep with him. And you know, do the thingy..Hahaaa" I told Mum and she was giggling. Hahaha
They don't mind of our conversations is about sex. They know that we are already mature and open for that kind of stuff.
"Okay..Okay..Bye Nessa. I need to go upstairs."My Mum's eyes are tired. She already have eye bags.

I'm almost done with my school work but Jeremy is still asleep.
I'm getting bored. It's only 4:00 in the afternoon and everybody is asleep, well I don't know if Mum and Dad is, Hahahha..

I know what I should do!!
I will make Jeremy's school work. I will surprise him... 😌
It's been 30 minutes and I am already done with Jeremy's school work.
I can hear someone walking in the stairs. I bet, it is Jeremy.
Finally, I already printed his project.

I opened the door and I saw him going his room, he is already in his door so I called him.
"Hey, Jeremy!" I run towards him and I gave him his school work which I made.
"What is this? hmm?" He still has a hang over.
"Duhh.. You can't remember. It's your school work. I made it for you." I smiled and he stopped for 10 seconds.....
"Oh FUCK!!! The paper work. I still haven't started on it. Thank you so much Nessa!! I finally, had a chance to go get some rest." He opened his door and he saw that things looked a bit messy.
"Oh shit. Now I need to fix all of these." He looks frustrated and tired.
"You can rest on my room. I wouldn't mind. I can also give you a massage. I really felt guilty for not helping so this is the only way that I think I can thank you." I kissed his cheek.
He went inside my room and laid on my bed."
A/N: I'm getting excited to write the next chapter! I'm also sorry for my bad English.
I really think, this is a boring chapter.
But please,vote and leave a comment. 💙
Love ya 'll!!

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