Chapter One:

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Breathing heavily, I ran into the library, receiving the dirtiest looks you could possibly get from the librarians. I sat down heavily, dropping my bag on a chair next to Addy, my best friend.
"You're late," She said without looking up.
"I know I'm sorry," I said, taking out my laptop.
"Your ex boyfriend added me on Snapchat and followed me on Insta."
I rolled my eyes.
" You know he was never my boyfriend And you can have him for all I care,"
Addy looked up, "You do know that he's only running to us 'cause he got completely rejected by your ass?"
I sighed,"Yes, I know, I'm just so so done with boys and relationships,"
Addy snorts,"but they're not done with you,"
"Alright fine, I just want a non toxic relationship where the guy is normal for once,"
Addy rolled her eyes,"You don't need a man to make you happy, you need to learn accept yourself and make yourself happy, date yourself or something, "
"Yeah, yeah stop being my mom,"
Addy smiled,"That's not being your mom that's me being your best friend,"
Then taking out a box of brownies,she said," This is me being your mom,"
Grabbing a piece of the brownie, I said "You're right, You know what?"
"About me being your mom?"
"No the boys thing, I'm gonna swear off relationships and boys for the next! Decade!"
Addy smirked,"You sure you wanna do that?"
She shrugged,"We'll see,"
"Come on you know I don't fall for guys that easily,"
" No you don't but they do. One glance at you and they are on the floor,"
She placed her palm on her forehead and mimicked falling.
I rolled my eyes and resumed typing in my computer password.
All of a sudden the doors of the library swung open and the most gorgeous guy you have ever seen walked in.
Addy looked up and blinked, "Oof,"
"Goodness, he's glorious,"
She snorted," What happened with swearing off boys for a decade?"
My eyes followed the guy as he sat down on the chairs. Curly brown hair framed a perfect jawline. He sat down and pushed up his glasses on his nose, he opened a book.
"He has glasses...Oh my, OH MY GOODNESS HE HAS GLASSES,"
Addy's eyes opened wide," Oh yeah I see, he's decent looking, thats facts,"
Then she quickly turned around and I cleared my throat, "We should probably finish our homework,"
I could'nt keep my stupid, sinful eyes of him. Trying to finish my tort- I mean homework, I kept looking his way. Then after like the fifties time looking his way he looked up from his book and our eyes met. My breath caught. Time stopped, yep it's corny and cringy I know but it happened. I had no idea what was going on but my freakin insides were on fire. Oh yeah my teenage hormones were fighting for control. I finally tore my eyes away from his. Someone please explain why, WHY is eye contact so HOT?!
I looked back to my laptop and caught Addy smirking at me. That smirk told me everything
"Don't you dare say a thing,"
She shrugged and grinned.
The rest of the time I was just trying to avoid looking at him and focusing on homework, easier said than done.
FInally after two or so hours we started packing up for the day, I stuffed my laptop into my bag and started walking toward the library doors.
"You wanna grab a coffee or something. Maybe some food," Addy asked.
"Absolutely, I'm .." I didn't finish my sentence. As we walked past Mr. Gorgeous, My untied shoelace decided to make an appearance and I splattered dramatically on the floor.
Mr. Gorgeous jumped from his chair and started helping me stand up.. Electricity attacked me everywhere, my teenage hormones were doing an absolute number today.
"You okay?" He asked me as he handed me my bag.
"I'm ..sorry..I.. You.." I started blabbering.
"She's okay," Addy laughed, "Thank you for helping her,"
He still had his eyes on me. "Alright then, Are you sure you don't need an ice pack or anything like that?
"Um yeah," I mumbled.
Then he smiled, and let me just say, that smile. It lit up his whole face, like a sun in the middle of rain clouds. Oof indeed.
Addy started dragging me toward the library doors. And as we finally walked into the warm sunshine, I completely broke down.
"Why, WHY? He probably thinks I did that on purpose!"
Addy started laughing, yes laughing. Do you see how supportive my lovely best friend is?
"You should have seen your face!" And I admit after watching her laugh for a few seconds, I started laughing too. It was hilarious but also very embarrassing.
"You do know that he thinks you're cute?" I whirled around to face her.
"Stop, no he doesn't," she nodded then laughing and began walking toward our car. I started speed walking after her.
"Wait? You really think so?" I asked, as we got into the car.
"I know so,"
It would be nice if he really did but a part of me knew that I probably would never see him again. And after embarrassing myself that bad I doubt he would ever want to talk to me. Not to mention me swearing guys for a decade .
I sighed, but boy was he cute.

A/n: Frist chapter.. hope y'all liked the intro of some of the characters;)

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