2 (agnetha's pov!)

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I woke up in a room, it's so shine here! I didn't know where am I,nor what is this place is about. But I've seen some people in front of my bed here,i feel watched. But who are they?

A while ago...

"She is fine,but her head hit too hard. There's a chance she's having amnesia because of that,but once her head heals itself. She'll be fine, don't worry." Said the doctor

"Does it mean she's alive?"

"Yes,of course she is!"

Back to Agnetha (lol)

I'm just so confused! I didn't know what to do.

"She's awake, she's awake!" Says a man I don't even know,am i a science rabbit or what?

The first word i said was: "Huh?", I'm just so confused! Is this hospital?and why did I even get here?

But i looked at my hand,it was infused. I guess I'm unconscious then,

"Hey! Thank God you're awake" Says a lady,oh God she looks like a model as hell😭

"Uh,who are you all?" Said me

Then all of the sudden everyone was speechless,when i asked them that question.

"Okay,maybe she really is amnesi-" just then the first man shut the other man's mouth

After that the man told the rest to wait outside, because he said "i need rest". C'mon man you gotta be kidding! I'm literally just wake up out of nowhere in this planet now you're telling everyone else to leave?you must be kidding.

"Hey, Agnetha. Remember me?" Said that man

"Are you kidding?! After you told strangers to leave,you ask me if i remember you?no,i don't stranger!"

"No need to be mad like that," He rolled his eyes playfully

"Okay, let's re-introduce ourselves."

”I'm Björn, you're Agnetha right?“

"Yeah but,how did you know my name?"

Too comfortable with u. (Bjornetha fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now