A volunteer

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💕Your POV💕

it was finally happening. After almost a year of being in the glade(as the only girl) you were finally going to be a runner. Of course, it being your first day, you would have to run with someone else. When the other runners were told, none of them volunteered. So you didn't slow them down, you suppose. Then Minho said he would take you with him, which gave you butterflies. You were friends, but not too close to your dismay. But maybe this was your chance.

💕Minho's POV💕

Today was the day. I was getting to take (Y/N) running in the maze. Alone. Just me and her. I had volunteered, glad when no one else did, but not right away to seem to eager and freak her out. I check my hair a few times in the mirror and fix it. So I look good in front of her and my fabulous self. But I'm still not sure I'm one of the boys she would go for.

Minho ImagineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora