247 10 1

Warnings: mention of killing, yelling, mention of a gun, mention of poison, somebody get's killed

Word count: 1050


You and Mace were back at the CIA. You both didn't slept well.

Mace got sent to her office and needed to wait. Your second boss Leo Palmer wasn't very happy. You were sitting in an interrogation room with  Palmer.

He stood up and yelled at you. He told you what kind of fool you were and that this mission was the easiest mission ever.

"If it was the easiest mission ever, why did you needed me there? See that's exactly the point. It was NOT the easiest mission ever" you said that in your mind to yourself.

"I HAVE another mission for you! Find out where Ben Rodríguez  is and kill him!" Palmer ordered you.

You just nodded, but didn't ask why you needed to kill him.

You went to your office and got to work. Meanwhile Mace got sent to a interrogation room. Marks was in there and sat.

"So you didn't got the drive?" he asked Mace. Mace sighed and said "No, we never had it. It wasn't in the backpack. Where's Nick? Did you heard something?"

He took a deep breath and said "Nick Fowler is dead. I identified his body by myself."

Mace felt a tear going down hear face and asked "You found his body? I thought Y/n hasn't found him"

"Y/n wasn't able to find him, because we found him in the river Seine" Marks answered.

Mace nodded and said "I will get a tea." "No, Tim will get the tea for you. Oh and please turn the camera off" Marks ordered.

Mace looked confused to Marks, but waited till the red light at the camera was off. She nodded as a sign that he can start.

"So, I can't give you this mission, but if you feel that you have to get the drive and the one that killed him, I wont stop you" Marks said mysteriously.

Mace nodded and stood up. She went home and booked a last minute flight to London.

Mace called a Taxi and waited. She has done some researches in the Taxi.

You were finally done with your research and went into the armory. Ben Rodríguez will be tonight in a night club.

You took a gun that was made with a 3D printer. "This is the safest way to get in with a gun. Maybe I should take the watch with a string? Yes, I should definitely take one with me. It's always good to have a plan B" you thought.

You went home and put on a sexy short blue dress with a lot glitter. Almost your whole legs were exposed. You putted your gun into your underwear.

"Best way to hide it, because if a man touches my legs and goes further up, he will possibly feel the gun holster" you said to yourself.

You put some make up on and took a fake ID out from your drawer.

Name: Jennifer Portman
Birth date: 11 / 14 / 1999

You thought "Perfect. I only need to have in mind that my star sign is scorpio."

On the street you saw a very fancy car. You decided to steel it. You had some struggles getting into to car but eventually you managed to get inside.

The night club „Fantastic Night" was 85 minutes away from your home. It pissed you off, to drive that late to a night club and then to kill somebody.

"Maybe I should have taken some poison with me too? Nah, what if somebody saw that I putted something into his drink or somebody else would drink it" you argued in your head.

93 minutes later because of the traffic you were at the entrance of the night club. 13 minutes later you were finally facing the bouncer.

"Your ID please" the bouncer said with a deep and bored voice. "Here" you smiled fake and gave it to him.

"When were you born?" The man said. "Doesn't it stand on my ID? Obviously November the 14th!" you said it with a know-it-all voice.

"It does but I wanted to check if it was a fake one. Your star sign?" the bouncer said slightly annoyed. "Scorpio. But I'm already forgiven so don't try it" you said annoyed.

The bouncer let you in hesitantly. "Not my problem luckily if somebody get's killed tonight. He's probably gonna get fired" you thought to yourself and grinned mischievously.

After 2 flirts and 5 shots you finally saw your target. He went to the man's bathroom. You quickly stood up and went to the women's bathroom.

You leaned with you back against the wall. You quickly tipped some codes into your phone and then you saw a live footage from the man's bathroom.

You paid attention, that your phone screen wasn't near the camera in the women's bathroom.

Most of the time you hated when people install cameras into bathrooms, but right now you adored them.

Rodríguez went into the forth bathroom stall. "This is going to be incredible easy. Nobody will hear a gun shot and he's probably gonna lay on the ground for about 10 minutes till somebody will see him" you thought.

You took the gun out from your underwear. Nobody saw it so you continued. You placed the gun onto the wall. You pulled the trigger and still locked at your phone.

The live footage showed, that nobody heard anything. The only clue for you that Rodríguez was dead was the change from his shadow.

It looked like you shot him right into his head. Not much blood, no clue who it was and no motive. Nobody will know that it was a spy.

You stood there for 3 minutes and then went outside. You decided to drink some more shots and flirt with some men.

15 minutes later you decided to go out. Some employees seemed stressed so it was possible that somebody found the body.

When you were outside you just saw two police cars parking. You laughed and giggled very loud. Sometimes you even fake-stumbled. You weren't that drunk, but you wanted that the police officers think that you're very drunk. You even didn't walked straight anymore for them.

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