Saving My Ass P2

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One drop. Two. Three. And the bottom drops. 

Typical Daytona weather! 

The teams try to get all the cars covered and drivers run to their haulers. 

I run through the motor coaches trying to see if I can find Mr. H's that he told me to use. 

"What the hell RaeAnn?!"

I look up and see Alex peaking his head around his door. 

"Hurry and get in here!" I duck into his motor coach laughing. 

"Alex thank you! I got lost." 

I look down and see my light pink shirt is see through. As embarrassment begins to show on my cheeks Alex pipes up. 

"You are soaked with water. Let me grab you a shirt and towel."

He runs to the back of the bus and brings out a black shirt and a fluffy towel. 

"You can change in the back room."

I mumble a 'thank you' and slide past him trying to cover myself. 

I quickly change and steady my self hoping I'm not as red as a tomato. 

Gosh I'm so embarrassed. I know its something that happens. 

And he didn't make a big deal. Still, not a first impression I want to make. 

I walk out and thank him again as I feel my cheeks deepen. 

"No worries. Glad you found a teammate to get you out of that rain. Its not slowing down. And you would have been wandering for a while. His motor coach was the other way."

My cheek are blazing hot now. He immediately could tell because he tried to change the subject.

"So how did you feel about the first 50 laps?"

I nod sitting on his couch area. "Y'all looked very strong as a team. When everyone stuck together there were had huge runs. But once someone got between y'all it seemed like everyone kind of fell off."

"Yeah that's exactly how I feel. Trying to come up with a strategy for restarts after this monsoon passes us." 

In that exact moment Chase walks in. 

"Hey I wanted you to be my walking sponsor first!"

I giggle. "Well Bowman saved my ass twice since yesterday. So I owed it to him to sponsor him today." They both let out a chuckle. 

"Okay but next race you'll be my walking billboard." I nod rolling my eye. Its starting to feel like home again. Having a team that you can joke with and treats you like family. 

"Well i came to tell you, they called the race. This storm is at a stand still over the track. It wont be dry. So the team is going to order some pizza. Y'all want any?" I scrunch my nose at the thought. I'm so burnt out on pizza. 

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