Dinner Plans

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Alex's POV

I watch has she pulled her nose up at that the thought of pizza. 

"No man. We will find something else instead. If that is ok with you RaeAnn?"

She  nods thanking me with her eyes. I knew she didn't want to tell him no for the sake of not being rude. Chase leaves and I watch as she slowly relaxes a bit.

"So I don't want to hit a nerve, so please feel free to not tell me anything. But, tell me about yourself."

She looks over at me with brightening eyes. She begins to tell me about her childhood, racing, her family, then she pauses. I can tell a memory that is uncomfortable to talk about came up. I try my best to get her past it.

"So you grew up at the track. Do you know what kind of cars y'all ran?"

She gets back on the subject telling me about the shortest tracks and how funny it was to see 25 huge cars on this tiny track. How that was the most boring race ever because there was no room to make moves. I am soaking every detail up. I want to get to know her on a personal level. I want to know her better than Mr. H wants me to. But, i can tell talking is helping her sadness disappear. She stops smiling at the thought.

"I'm getting hungry, you?" She nods with bright eyes. 

"You like burgers? There is a place I go to here that has the best ones!" 

Again she nods but her eyes are dulling. 

She is losing that spark. 

I stand up offering a hand. "Well your driver will take you to the destination." 

She laughs at my small gesture and takes my hand. 

Its still drizzling but we can make it to the car without being drenched. 

I look back at her grinning. "You ever run?" 

She shakes her head no. I smile bigger. 

"Better learn quick!" I step down from the bus and start running holding her hand. She is laughing so hard I'm pretty sure she cant breathe.

Uncharted Territory (Alex Bowman)Where stories live. Discover now