~ Moist Peppa ~

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A/N: Entire plot by MJ, all credit to her <33333 

quick shitpost enjoy


You entered the tavern for you first day of work and the first thing you noticed was how MOIST it was,

trying to impress the locals you spoke in a heavy southern accent so they wouldn't know about your Canadianess "gee gosh golly geee it sure is moist in here yeehaw"

You had just moved to this southern state (Texas maybe??? yeehaw???) because your parents abandoned you after you came out as dreamsexual and you had to flee the country to be safe from the wrath of your disappointed parents 

once you somehow walked from Canada to yeehaw land you knew you wouldn't be able to watch your beloved minecraft youtuber without money to pay for wifi so you took a job in the local tavern where you would find a new meaning to life...

MOISTNESs :))))))

the bar was liek really moist so whenever you needed some liquid there was always some moistness to be licked off of the chairs or ceiling

it was so lovely just serving alcohol to humans and licking the moistness of of the chairs that you started becoming sexually attracted to things other than dreamy weamy... but you couldn't quite tell what that was... yet

once soggy moist day an injured man walked into the tavern and SHEEESH HE WAS HAWT

"yippy yeehaw what can I get for ya young daddy?" you said him as he was bleeding on your carpet

he looked up at you and said "aaaa hurt pls bandage yeehaw"

he was hot so you took him to your bedroom upstairs ;)

"have yeehaw have bandage"

"thanks darling"

OWO he just called us darling eheheeheheh you almost pissed yourself from the hotness

"d-do you want to bake cupcakes with me senpai?"


"I-I mean yeehaw senpai?"

"UGhHHHH CANAIDIAN I guess I will bake cupcakes with you because you saved life but I go after that IMMA COWBOY"

You were so sad he found our ur true identity :( no cowboy bf anymore but at least... cupcakes

after you bandaged the Canadianist man you went downstairs to the kitchen to make some cupcakes ;)

 the way this man made the dough so creamy was just UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH O//w//O

you almost pissed urself from looking at the texture of the cream

each ingredient he added just made it look more and more moist and creamy, you tried controlled your urge to shove the dough up your ass as you moaned because C R E A M

the southerner man was very confused about your moaning but he didn't mention it because ur Canadian and it must just be a part of Canada's rich culture or smth ;-;

"since ur from canada should I add some maple cream- I mean syrup yeehaw"

"YEsS daddy add the moist stuff :))))"

as he added the maple syrup you watched in awe imagining it's yummy yummy taste 

the hot man put the cupcakes in the oven and as you stared intently watched them RISE he asked you how you wanted to decorate them

"baby gurl how do u want to cream them?"

"PEPPA PIG PEEPA PIG" you screeched 

*sigh* "a degenerate I see"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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