A New Beginning

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After several weeks on the road fighting marauders and wild packs of wolves, she arrived at the gates of Riften. Great stone walls that stood taller than the trees, guarded by two guards wrapped in dark purple cloaks.

"What do you want, cat?" asked the guard on her right. 

"This one is looking for refuge and work," said Aisha.

Aisha could not see their face through their concealed helmets, but she could sense they were staring at her suspiciously. She had arrived before the gates covered in blood and dressed with the armors of bandits she killed along the way.

"We never allowed your kind here. Made them sleep outside the walls where they belonged. But the jarl had a change of heart. Go on in and don't make a mess of the place," said the guard on her left.

She entered through the wooden gates to find a unique city. Most of the buildings were made of great timbers with stone foundations. An elevated walkway stood above the canal, where merchants and fishermen paddled to move their goods.

She walked towards the marketplace near the center of a town. A large circle of stalls that surrounded one of the city's wells. Just outside the marketplace, a Dunmer, manned a cart filled with produce, stood by the local tavern, proclaiming the freshest produce in the Rift. Aisha bought a loaf of bread and a piece of pork jerky from the coins she confiscated. She sat on a nearby wall and absorbed her surroundings. Argonians, Dunmer, Nord, and Bosmer all bartered, gambled, and even drank together. Even a Khajit or two moved about the city. It was unlike anything Aisha had ever seen in Skyrim.

Despite its many rough edges, it had a unique beauty. Golden leaves that crunched with each step, intricately carved wooden roofs, and verdant green walls of ivy covering the stone walls.

She walked to the docks over the lake and sat on the edge, her feet just touching the surface of the water. She watched the orange light of the setting sun refract in the motions of the lake. Aisha took it all in, understanding that she would most likely stay in this place for a long time, maybe for the rest of her life. Feeling nourished, she went to rent a room at the inn - few things sounded better right now then a feather bed. She walked into a local tavern called the Bee and Barb, manned by a tall Argonian woman named Keerava, if the drunk patrons surrounding her were correct, washing mugs behind the bar.

The inn was packed with mostly drunken Nords as well as small groups of Khajiit and Dunmer sitting quietly at their tables. She took a seat on the stool and asked for some alto wine. 

"It's strange seeing Khajit roam the city. The Nords didn't like having your kind around. It's nice getting more customers in here," said Keerava.

"This one just got here today," said Aisha.

"Let me give you some advice...get out. While you still can," said Keerava.

Aisha stared at her, "I spent over a week traversing these lands on foot, fighting cutthroats and dodging giants while almost shivering to death. This place can't be worse."

Keerava stared at her for a little bit, shrugged, and then returned to pouring a tall mug of ale.

Aisha stared into her mug, "Do you know where this one can make coin?"

Keerava placed a finger on her snout, "I know the Perch and Betty is looking for some workers. Ask Fjol over there if he needs workers. He owns it." She pointed to a tall Nord with fancy garb and long brown beard, who was laughing with another finely dressed Nord.

Aisha walked up to Fjol, timid with her head down. "Hello, sir, do you need a worker for your fishery."

Fjol greeted her with a warm smile, "Aye, I could always use some extra hands around the fishery. We are located at the end of the docks, come by in the morning and we will find a place for you."

She smiled and went back to the stool to celebrate her new change of fortune with several cups of wine.

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