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"Megan?! what are you doing here!?" I shriek, momentarily forgetting that no one knows I am down here and that I have to be quiet.

"Rosie, please help me." she wails, rattling the thick metal chains that she is tied to the bed with.

"Where's the key?" I ask frantically, I hate the thought of my only friend in this entire place being in danger.

"It's on Colin's belt. I've tried everything." she sobs.

"Which one is it?" I ask, a plan brewing in my mind.

"27." she sniffs.

"All you have to do is wait until the morning. I promise I'll get you out of here." I say quietly.

She nods and I blow her a kiss before running back to the elevator and going back to my room.
"Good morning girls. Get up and dressed please." daddy's voice says from the speaker.

Quickly, I change into some skinny jeans and a halter neck top, tying my hair in a fishtail plait, which my mum had taught me to do before I left home.
pull on my shoes by the door and leave my room.

I'm ready earlier than everyone else which is perfect, I can begin my plan to free Megan.

Swiftly, I run to the elevator and press the daddy button, the lift taking me to daddy's office slowly.

I look into the mirrored wall of the lift and hold my eyes open as wide as they go, causing a few tears to spill out of them.


The doors open and fake tears are spilling down my face as I run to daddy into his arms.

I sniffle in his arms and he frowns, pulling me away from him and looking at me.

"Why are you crying?" he asks.

"Daddy, I.. I think I might be, you know. expecting." I cry.

"P-pregnant?" he stutters and I nod.

"Ah shit, Colin never put the implant in you." he sighs. "We need to do that. Today. You can get a test then you can get the implant."


"O-okay." I pretend to sob.

"You can't keep it, you know that, right?" he says sternly.

I nod and we get in the lift.

"I thought you fired Colin after what happened last time?" I said to daddy as the lift went down.

"I can't. He's the only good doctor around here willing to work for me. What I do is illegal Rosie, not many professional doctors are okay with breaking the law."

"If he's willing to break the law doesn't that suggest that there's something dodgy about him?" I reply, causing daddy to frown.

"Don't fucking argue with me. I always win. I don't know if you've forgotten but I own you." he snarls.

There's a tense silence between us for a while before I break it.

"Daddy?" I ask.

"Yes sweetie." he huffs.

"What's on floor 1?" I ask.

He frowns.

The lift doors open on my floor and he takes me to the stairwell to walk down to the breakfast room.

"You haven't been down there have you?" he asks as we walk.

"Oh, no, God no, it's just because I never see anyone come out of floor one - or go in, actually."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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