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"What's your name?" he asks me.

"Im Rosie, what's yours?" I reply. Maybe all this 'customer' business isn't as bad as I thought.

"Luke." He smiles.

We spoke for a while longer about our interests, he asks me how I ended up here, and by the time we've talked all there is to talk, he still has another hour and a half.

"Perhaps we should just, I dunno, kiss a bit?" He suggests, sitting up timidly.

I nod and we smile awkwardly as he sits up.

I sit up too and his large hand cups my face slowly as he pulls me slightly closer to him, licking his lip softly before his lips touch mine.

The kiss is nice and gentle, a huge difference to how daddy's was.

I begin to enjoy the kiss, becoming more and more eager as I yearn for him even more.

His tongue lapped along my bottom lip slowly and I soon find myself parting my lips slowly, allowing his tongue to softly meet and cushion against mine.

His hand that was originally on my face pushes against my chest, causing me to lay back on the bed, Luke climbing above me, our lips still never leaving eachothers.

His knees are placed either side of my thighs and he pulls his lips away from mine, catching his breath, his cheeks rosy.

He shrugs his plaid shirt off so he's wearing black skinny jeans and a black vest and his head dips back down, his lips reaching mine once again.

We kiss for a little longer, the pit of my stomach feels like it's on fire as fireworks go off through me and he pulls away once again, sitting beside me.

"You're a sweet girl Rosie, not how I expected the people here to be." He says, his thumb stroking my cheek softly.

"Thankyou Luke." I smile, kissing his cheek softly.

His lips are rosy from my lipstick and he has a small smudge on his cheek.

We lay together for a moment before a light knock on the door causes us both to jump.

I walk to the door, pulling my dress down as it has bunched at my thighs and answering the door.

Im aware that my lipstick is slightly smudged and my hair is ruffled but I don't care, im glad Luke wasn't a greasy old man who likes bondage as I expected the so called customers to be.

I answer the door, it's daddy.

He looks at me and frowns.

"Well, your first customer looks like a success." He beams.

I nod and put on a fake smile and Luke appears from the room, hooking his plaid shirt over his finger.

"I should go, my appointment is up, thankyou for that." He says, planting a soft kiss on my cheek and pushing past daddy.

"Was she good?" daddy calls down the corridor.

"Spectacular." Luke replies, making me laugh.

"I just came by to tell you we are having a meeting tonight, just me and you, in my office at 10:30. Be there." He says, his voice always seems to be full of venom and pure hatred for me but I nod and agree and he leaves and im left waiting for my next customer.


Daddy gets mrs reed to knock on my door shortly after he leaves and requests me to wear the red Victoria beckham dress to our 'meeting' tonight, I agree and mrs reed toddles back through the corridor.

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