Gf? Me? No!

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        It started off as a normal day, just like any day, for Peter Parker. Have amazing pancakes, going to school, knowing everything, being bullied by flash, going back home to watch movies with his large (hugeeeeeeee) family. However, today wasn't exactly going as planned for our beloved cinnamon roll. 

Peters POV 

        I am so stressed! My essay is due tomorrow and I still haven't done it!

 ''Ughhh! I'm just to busy with. . Ugh!''I thought.

        Then, da- I mean mr. Stark walked in confused.

'' hey kid, you ok? And what are you busy with?'' He asked raising an eyebrow.

''Oh. . . I said that out loud didn't I?''I asked.

''Yup''Tony said popping the 'p'.

''Well, it's nothing you should worry about I'm fine. And as for the thing I'm busy with, it's homework. Now go!'' I said shoving mr. Stark out of the room, '' sorry mr. Stark, but I have homework!''.

————Time skipppp to later in the evening ————

           I was doing my math homework (which is really easy btw), when i can hear chatter in the living room. With me being curious and the fact that I can't help it because of my super hearing, I listen to the conversation. It was the avengers chatting about if I have a gf? They literally have no idea that I have a boyfriend? It's so obvious!

❤️💙 country boy 💙❤️

Darlin= peter

Country boy= Harley 


Darlin: hey harls 

Country boy: hey darlin'

Darlin: my family thinks I have a secret gf

Country boy: oh really?

Darlin: d'you want 2 help me prank them?

Country boy: hell y'a!

Darlin: aight so here's the plan. . . . 

————Time skipppp ————


        Peter walked out of his room and into the living room where the avengers were. The plan was for him and Harley to talk on the phone, both of them flirting (Peter trying but failing cuz of Harley). Peter would then walk around the kitchen and because the kitchen is right behind the living room (no wall in between) the avengers would be able to hear what Peter was saying but not Harley. Peter walked into the living room, he could feel all the eyes of the avengers watching him. To say the least he was uncomfortable.

Peters POV 

          I was walking through the living room to get to the kitchen. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the avengers looking at me weirdly. I think Harley could tell I wasn't comfortable. We were calling not FaceTiming how does he even do that? 

" hey, babe?" I asked Harley while walking through the living room.

"Ye?" Harley said.

"D'you want to come over sometime?" I asked (in this au Harley had moved to NY in the apartment building close to the tower)

"Sure! When d'you want me to darlin' ?" Harley asked.

"Today?" I said.

" k, I'll be over in like 10 minutes" 

"Alright see you in 10!" 

          As I hung up, I walked through the living room where the avengers were eyeing me carefully. It was making me a bit uncomfortable. I was going to hideout in my room until Harley showed up. 

————✨Time skip✨ ————

        I heard the elevator stop and start to open. I rushed out of my room because I was exited to see Harley. I haven't seen Harley I person for like, a week. I got to the elevator and as it opened I saw beautiful fluffy hair. Harley got out and I immediately hugged him. His body was warm and I was cold. It was almost winter anyways. The avengers were staring bewildered. I don't think they expected me to have a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend, but whatever. I knew they were going to be supportive because mr. Stark is dating steeb, they supported that why wouldn't they support me?

'' guys, meet my boyfriend! Harley Keener!'' 

————-the end ————

636 words! Not including this part. I hope you liked it! There will probably be another oneshots tomorrow but idk. Anyways! Drink some water, get some food, stretch. 

                                                                         - Tobias (aka Red Lightning)

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