Why do I have to answer it on speaker!?

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Tw: swearing, flash being homophobic, Flash Thompson.

Peters POV 

            I was in English class when my phone rang. Now, this would've been fine if I was in any other class. I could just go out into the hall or text the person calling telling them I was in class. It also, would've been fine if it was the usual teacher for this class but Parker luck strikes again. Our usual teacher is out on vacation for a week (she deserves it) so, for the past 2 days we've had Ms. Umbrella ( get it? ) as our substitute teacher. She's strict and old. Answering this phone call is going to be a nightmare!

Under my umbrella- Ella ella ay ay ay under my umbrella rang through the whole class room. I would recognize that ringtone anywhere. It's my boyfriend, Harley Keener.  

'' answer it mr. Parker'' ms. Umbrella said ''on speaker''

''K'' I reply.

       I answer my phone and put it on speaker.

'' hey darlin''  Harley said.

''You are on speaker harls'' 

'' kk, anyways. I was working on something in my apartment and I might've blown it up'' 

''The project or the apartment'' I ask.

'' uh. . . .all of the above?'' He answers.

''Harley!'' I shout at him.

'' can I stay at ur place? Pleaseeeeee?'' He asks.

''Fine, but I'm in class so I have to go.'' 

'' k, love u bye!'' 

''Larb u too!'' Then I hang up.

            I look up from my phone to see my whole class staring at my questionably.

''So penis, you a f*g now to?'' Flash yells across the room, the teacher snickers and most the students stifle laughs.

'' Shut the fuck up you raccoon'' I say, done with him.

           I stand up and leave the classroom. The teacher yelling at me to come back, and the class laughing. Gods, I love my life.

————The end————

306 words, sorry for the short chapter. Anyways, get some sleep, drink something and eat. Have a good day/afternoon/night! 

                                                               -Tobias (aka Red Lightning)

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