Part 2

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I got to Logan's apartment and he showed me around the place ending with the guest room, which was where I was staying. I unpacked my stuff and lay on my bed listening to Bulletproof Love by Pierce the Veil.

Logan went out and got a couple meals from In N' Out Burger for dinner and got home to find me asleep.

Logan's P.O.V.

I turned on my Xbox only to find that I left most of my gaming stuff at Gerard's place. I texted him saying that I would get my stuff from his apartment in the morning, but just as I feared, I overslept and was almost late to a recording session. I quickly put on some clothes, grabbed my guitar and left leaving (f/n) a note on the counter. I texted Gerard telling him that I was late to a session and that he should just leave the stuff outside the door.

Reader's P.O.V.

I got up to find the apartment empty, but, hey, there was a bag of food on the counter with a note next to it saying:

You must've gone to sleep early, so I left your portion of dinner out for you.

I looked in the bag to find a drink, no ice, a burger, and some fries. I got the items out and stuck the burger and fries into the microwave. I finished reading the note:

Also, kinda short notice, but Gerard will be dropping off a box of my gaming equipment this morning. So if you hear a knock on the door, don't be afraid to answer it.-Logan

I dropped the note and flung myself into my room to change. I quickly put on some black skinny jeans and my Batman shirt. I straightened my hair and put it up in a ponytail. That was when I heard a knock on the door. I hurried over to the door and hesitated opening the door. I saw him and he saw me. He must've been surprised to find a female in his friend's house.

"I guess you're the person I'm supposed to give this to."He said holding out the box. He was wearing a plain black and white striped quarter length sleeved shirt and jeans. His fire red hair was a mess, but perfect at the same time.

"Y-yeah", I stuttered awkwardly. I took the box. "Thank you."

"No problem."

I shut the door once he left and put the box on the counter. I went into the living room and sat on the couch with my knees up to my chest. I covered my face in embarrassment and pure excitement. I just met THE Gerard Way, but it was the most awkward conversation ever, but I got to hear his voice in person.

All throughout the day, I thought about seeing him, even if it was a short conversation. I had a hard time finding things to do while Logan was gone. When he got back, it was close to noon. We made pancakes and ate them out on the balcony. It was warm outside, but not too warm. It was perfect.

Later that night, Logan had to go out for some sort of meeting, so I watched a few re-runs of Supernatural and went to sleep. Two hours after I fell asleep, I woke up screaming. I faintly heard some footsteps and a door over my screaming. Someone burst into my room. I couldn't see who it was since my room was pitch black, though judging from the structure of the silhouette; it had to be a guy. Logan? The light flicked on.

It was Gerard.

Summertime Madness (Gerard x Reader) *INCOMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now