A new intrest

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Jax walked down a long corridor. At the end stood a lone door, closed, but with a light emitting from under the crack in the doorframe. The rest of the hallways was dark and empty aside from old paintings of people. Family members perhaps, but none he recognized. Every painting had a feature painted over with black squares. Some missing noses, or ears, or whole faces. But one feature stayed the same. They all had freakishly realistic eyes thar followed Jax with his every move. Watched his every step. Peering at him with judgemental looks. All of them. He walked slowly, no sound but the creak of the floor below him and his own breathing. As he reached the door, though, he could hear the faint sound if a music box. He turned the knob and swallowed his fear for a second before opening it. A pure white room with a small table, a chair, and a hanging body in the middle of it. The table had a music box on it, which was the source of the sound. The hanging body was almost...censored by his own brain. That was until he entered the room and it all became clear. It was him. He was staring at his own corpse, but one thing was off. An inhumanly large grin was plastered on his face. His eyes wide open and staring at Jax as if he were alive still. The door slammed shut behind him and he turned to stare at the wall, realizing the word "freak" was plastered all over it, several hundred times in a thick black substance. The music grew louder and louder till it was almost deafening. He covered his ears, wanting it to stop.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Jax awakened again. A dream. He didnt bother to get up. He wasn't going to go to school. If his mother received a call he'd just lie about it. He jusr sat there in bed for a while till he finally got up, deciding to just draw for the time being. That was all hed usually do anyways.

After his mother was back from work, he got dressed. Thats when he was questioned "i received a call from the school today" his mother kept her eyes on the road as they drove to the store. "I was late this morning. My teacher must have forgotten to mark me present. And then for the rest of the day i was sick in the nurses office." He didnt look at her. His mother wanted to say he looked fine now, but she didnt bother. The rest of the drive was long and quiet. They went to a few stores to run a few errands till eventually they came to a small book store. As his mother browsed the child psychology books, jax decided to look into the occult section. Thats when he saw it. A black book with no writing on the spine. "Huh..." he picked it up off the shelf. The cover simply had an eye on the front of it, nothing else. He decided to flip through it out of curiosity. It seemed to be some sort of....encyclopedia about a god. The god in question being named kami. Jax figured it was something from a fantasy game or something, but somehow the book still interested him. He brought it to his mom. "Hey. You said youd get me something, right? Here." Jax handed it to her "this looks...neat i guess." His mother didnt even bother looking at it "mmhm. Thats nice dear. We'll pay for it when we leave." And that they did. As soon as jax got home he just went to his room, not saying another word to his mother.

Once alone, he flipped through the book. The pages seemed disturbing, detailing about the god of fear. A spider-esc pitch black being, sometimes taking the form of a black shapeless blob with several eyes, othertimes having a blue drippy square for a head. One thing remained consistent. It always seemed to have an inky theme to it. As he read up more on it, the book seemed to even have some way to summon him. It showed a proper way, then had an entire page about sacrifices. Killing something to offer to the god himself. "Huh. This must be some sort of cliche horror i guess." He put it down for now and decided to draw again, finding himself drawing oh the god. Despite being some cliche horror antagonist by the looks of it, this being seemed to...fascinate him. The idea of a god of fear, taking intrest in those who show fear, it all seemed interesting, even if just fiction. Perhaps he'd try to find some stuff on it eventually. Night came quickly, and jax once again found himself going to bed hoping tomorrow wouldnt be so bad.

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