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Jax got home. As expected, his parents werent there. He ventured up the stairs to say his final goodbyes to ares so he could pin him, but as he entered his room his eyes fell on the book. He stared at it. "......well. if it doesnt work i cant say i didnt try it." He opened it, flipping the pages till he found one that stood out. The one he had searched for. How to summon the god of fear. He read it over, shoving some things in his bag, and heading out once more, this time to the woods behind his home.

The woods he had played in since he was a kid. He had every pathway memorized, even in the pitch black darkness. But even now it still scared him. Something about being out here alone in the dark, his nightmare replayed in his head like a broken record. He came to a little clearing, one he would hang out in a ton as a child. "Thisll do..." the boy set his bag down, beginning work on the ritual. A strange array of symbols in chalk on the ground. Candles. Specfic objects. He had everything. "Okay...here goes nothing. Not like thisll work." He said the spell word for word. And..nothing happened. "Psh. I knew it. As he began to get up, the symbols began to glow, sending him falling onto his ass. "H-HUH--" before he could even blink, a figure arose in a puddle of ink from the ground. Before him, in all his glory, was the god of fear. A tall, lanky man with an unsettling structure to him. His limbs seemed too long, and in place of his head was a floating blob of ink with a big glowing yellow eye in the middle. Above his head float a crown, adorned in gold and jewels. He wore a suit. A fancy one with all sorts of embroidered gold patterns along the gold fabric. He was.....magnificent. Jax could do nothing but stare at him. He was speechless. A god. Right before him. The man glared down at him for a few seconds before giving a soft sigh and melting back into a puddle of ink, dissapearing. "Wait, dont--" it was too late, he was gone. "--go..." Jax sat there in shock.

A god....a god answered his call. The god of fear was REAL and appeared before HIM. The town freak. The weird kid. The one everyone avoided like the plague, and a GOD showed himself to him. Why? Surely he wasnt worthy of such a thing. He knew he wasnt. There had to have been much better candidates. It didnt make sense. Jax walked home in silence, trying to wrap his head around the events he just whitnessed. When he got home he sat at his desk for hours just...staring at the book. "....he....he showed up." As sad as it was, those few seconds were the most attention hed gotten in decades. For the first time he felt...important. surely he had to be if a god would answer his call. But why? Why him? What exactly was so special about him? He pinned ares as he did with all his moths, placing him on his desk for now. Jax didnt sleep that night.

The next day at school he couldn't focus. Even Venoms snarky remarks for Jax to off himself didnt register. He couldnt get the god off his mind. Kami. His name was Kami. He hadnt said a single word to Jax and yet he stained his mind like the very ink that formed his being. He caught himself unable to think of anything else. Drawing the man how hed remembered him. He wanted answers but....how would he even go about getting those?

Three days. Three days Jax lay awake, unable to sleep, unable to think of anything else but Kami. Unable to wrap his head around the situation. It played in his mind again and again, fresh in there as if itd just happened to him. He couldnt stop. He...he had to see him again. "Maybe if i summon him again...i can talk to him." Not wasting another moment, he rushed back to the very woods hed summoned him. His summoning circle still lay fresh in the dirt. He tried. And tried. And tried again. But nothing. No answer. "No...no i need him to come back. But how..i need to know why me." He stood up, yelling. "PLEASE. I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHY YOU ANSWERED ME. I WANT TO KNOW IF IM MORE THAN SOME SORT OF FREAK." tears began to form in his eyes once again. "PLEASE...please...anything. any sort of sign." The wind blew the book open. Jax stared at it in defeat. It had landed on a page about...sacrifices. killing something in the name of the god of fear. A gift. He stared at it and as if right on cue, he hears a nearby car swerve. Jax quickly stood up and ran to the scene of the sound.

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