Chapter 3

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Dogs are magnificent creatures. The man's best friend is an understatement. What makes them such perfect beings in the context that we're in is the fact that dogs are beings with purified senses — like cats, although dogs' sense of smell works better and cats' vision works better. — which is why Oliver is a second away from locking Luna in the soundproof basement. Now, that dog has been simply essential in certain situations; especially since she seems to be a little more sensitive about the supernatural.

That quickly became a pain.

Ever since they reached the house, she has not once stopped barking and growling towards Joshua's apparent form. And Oliver isn't exactly the most patient man this world has ever seen but now he's just fed up. The fact that the angel simply stands there, staring blankly at the dog isn't much better because she probably sees it as a means to defy her. And since Joshua follows him around, the dog stays close behind despite still keeping her distance.

"Do you mind leaving her alone?" Oliver grumbles, glaring at Joshua when he catches the angel staring Luna down again. Joshua's stare flickers back to him.

"I'm not doing anything," Joshua defends himself with, and Oliver's eye roll couldn't have been deeper.

"Dude, c'mon. I don't even know what quiet is like anymore," the human dramatises, and it looks like Joshua is nearly mimicking his eye roll.

"Perhaps you'd know if you had not brought this animal here," Joshua's robotic answers came as if he was ready to drop it at any time.

"Are you talking about yourself?" But Oliver's shot back falls flat.

"I'm not considered an animal; at least not following the human classification."

Oliver sighs deeply and slowly.

"Dude- whatever. Point is, stop making the dog feel threatened."

Now Joshua looks offended. Of course. "What am I supposed to do? Stop being an angel? Forget not, Oliver; I am here for my mission."

And at the angel's snapped response, Oliver realises that he's probably misplacing his annoyance. He nods.

"I know. But can you at least stop staring Luna down?"

Joshua's lips tighten. His small nod is perceptible. Oliver thanks him in a mumbled exhale. Things get a little awkward again for a few seconds. Joshua's silence has Oliver fidgeting. Then the reason for his fidgeting becomes a crossing thought.

"Wait, if you angels are the good guys, why's she acting so hostile towards you?"

But Joshua's eyes glaze over as he stares at the ceiling. His head is tilting slowly in all directions before freezing with it slightly bowed to the left.

"Joshua?" Oliver calls confusedly. "You okay?"

But the angel doesn't answer. Oliver watches as his eyes darken into what looks like a silvery grey, each and any trace of blue dimming as it becomes stronger.

"Joshua!" Oliver speaks a little louder. Still has no effect. "Josh!"

This time, it works. Silver eyes slide towards Oliver in a slice that would've made anyone flinch. Luckily, — or unluckily, most likely unluckily — Oliver's no stranger to getting pierced through. Joshua blinks slowly, oceanic blue quickly swirling back to where it belonged.

"What's up with you?" The human demands, veiled guard rising slightly through nonchalance.

"They've slipped through," Joshua says in a tone flatter than Oliver's getting used to.

"Who? Who slipped through what?" But before Joshua's eyes can glaze over again, Oliver's snapping his fingers in front of Joshua's face. "Hey, none of that shit now. Who slipped through what, Joshua?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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