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song: all i want by kodaline

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Dragging Peter off her lifeless form was one of the hardest things the team had ever had to do.

Both physically and emotionally.

He hadn't been seen or heard around the mansion ever since - having locked himself in his room. He was completely alone, yet like a soldier on the battlefront, he had a picture of his love in his pocket.

Peter felt as if the world had shrunken away to leave a cold void around his skin, as if he had become detached from reality itself. And he had.

Elsie Gilmore - who used to kiss against his skin and laugh with him, hold him – was no longer with him.

So what else did he have?

They say once you have mastered being alone, you are ready for the company of others.

But maybe the saying should be the other way around. After being with people so long, being isolated took an even further toll on Peter.

Having grown up on his own, pushed aside by others, Peter was more than hesitant to warm up to the other mutants. Especially given majority of them could inflict all kinds of pain on him at any given moment.

Elsie was the one to make him feel it.

The first person to make him feel love.

And the last.

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Peter was no more than seven or eight years old when he first thought about the word.

He had been watching 'Breakfast at Tiffany's', wondering what the feelings between Paul and Holly really were.

So he did what any other young boy would've.

Consult in his mother.

"Love is heroine from the right kind of Godfather."

She had said the words so simply it seemed to brush off the subject. This, however, only seemed to make him more curious.

Peter thought for a moment before asking his next question,

"Have you ever been in love?"

She froze on the spot, hands pausing on the plate she was before scrubbing. For a short while, Peter had thought he had made a grave mistake asking it. Then she replied,

"Yes, sweetheart, I have. One thing about love is that heartbreak usually follows. My heartbreak was evidence that I loved in good faith, that I made the kind of bond that hurt so very much to see it leave."

"Will I ever be in love?"

Turning to look at him from the side, his mother sent him a bittersweet smile, "I'm sure you will be, dear. Being in love can be painful if you aren't sure that the love is mirrored the same way in the one you love. But it shows us who we are as people. What we deserve."

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