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Adora waited patiently in the room, pacing back and forth, too consumed by the anxiety to do pretty much anything else - eat for one.
She would have waited all night, but she really only had till sunrise and it was all a huge risk itself at this point already.

The blonde was torn by her morality: it was against the rules, the ethic, the respect for her job - but she had also made a promise long time ago, a promise she broke for almost a decade, but Adora couldn't close an eye on it today.
She collected her shame, her courage, her loyalty and sent the message.

A message she was almost sure would be accepted.

Then, a click from the entrance made the blonde flinch visibly.
Shivers ran down her spine with the sound of each step.
Then she - as the vision she was - appeared in all her beauty and strength, no matter the grimace on her face.
"Hey Adora." The familiar greeting slipped out of her lips raspy and cold.
And she just dumbly couldn't breath, as she took in the attitude, the traits, the shorter hair, the smart look, the polished nails.
"Hi, Cat" Adora mumbled out softly, caressing the name.
The brunette stilled, but was soon standing straighter and serious as ever.
"So, what's so urgent? Did something come up with Weaver or our documents?" The woman asked, throwing gently the jewel back to its owner.
"No, I-I checked it years ago, and Sharon entered in a house for elders little after I graduated: I didn't manage to send her in prison, but at least she can't foster either." Adora hurried to assure her.
"Wow, that-that's actually great." The brunette admitted relived, yet more concerned about this sudden encounter.
"I also found out some stuff about our biological families, if you ever want to see my researches...they are pretty much still hints, but better then nothing, you know? If- " The other rambled anxiously.
"Stop and breath Adora, it's just me after all...so, can we get to the point now?" Catra stopped her, intentionally ignoring the whole biological-family shit.

Would she ever stop searching?

The blonde inhaled and exiled deeply, sitting down for the first time in hours of waiting, then moved her gaze to fix it on mismatched eyes.

"Right after graduation I started training at the law firm of a friend's mother, but she said that before hiring me I nedded some experience somewhere else, to build myself in different environments...then I ended in the attorney office. Little did I know that the procurator was corrupted. Someday this intelligence agent contacted me and I helped them in finding evidences...then I was hired by the firm I went first. There I did mine as a family lawyer, untill some months ago, when I encountered a pregnant woman who had been suddenly fired...But there was something more I couldn't grasp, so I called again the agent to ask for a favour, and in no time we found ourselves building a massive case - a class action - for water and soil pollution against H-industries, owned by Hordak Eaton, whose brother is ahead of a colossal criminal organisation the intelligence has been detecting on for years.
I was doing researchers on all their more or less legal activities...so you can imagine my surprise and alarm when your name popped up in my files this morning.
I studied the numbers of DrylTechs and they are impressive, Cat! You did an amazing job and you guys are raising fast - which means you could turn into the Eaton brother's main source of legal money soon. - And this is where it gets dangerous: the moment we will start moving legally, two things could happen to you: the bad advertisement will make you weak in the market and the second - and worst - is that Prime might turn to your company to compensate the damage on H-industries." Adora told in a grave tone.
Catra didn't seem shocked by her speech - neither surprised - she just covered her face with her hand and rubbed the aching head.
"You- agh! I'm so- So your plan was what? Contact me to tell me this nice story and then? Expect me to leave everything and ruin my life? You- do you even have an even remote idea of how many people work for me? Or how much I spent in my job? I'm giving up no shit! You-you can't! You blew up my fucking life once, Adora, I'm not letting you do it again!" She hissed with rising anger.
"And that's not what I'm trying to do! I'm here to warn you, Catra! I'm risking it all: my career, my friendships and the case that would help hundreds of people - only to help you! Prime is dangerous! Like really dangerous - like deadly dangerous! I'm not here to ruin your life, I'm here to keep you safe." The blonde insisted.
Catra turned and sighed, throwing her bag on the perfectly tucked bed.
Her head hammered and she was so tired she could hardly remember words - she was in no place to go in full-arguing mode.
"I've always known that Hordak wasn't clean, but DrylTechs are and he trusted me with it, he hired me and promoted me, untill I started running the place. It was so important to me - the company is important to me. Agh! This shit is- it's hideous! Tomorrow I'll think of a plan to protect us and not expose you..." Catra said exasperated, drained of any energy.
And she still had to drive home.
"Thank you" Adora whispered, keeping her eyes fixed on the figure of her ex-best friend.

Phantoms of a promise Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora