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Hey guys so this is my first time making a story about Dnf/Dreamnotfound so feel free to give me ideas thank you.

"George wake up your almost late for your flight", George's mother exclaimed

He didn't want to wake up but he was forced to because today is gonna be the best day for him he is finally going to go to his Dream job at Florida, so he stood up and went downstairs to eat his breakfast he then greeted her mum goodmorning.

He then took a warm bath to start the day fresh. He used his strawberry scented shampoo, then went to his half empty closet and got a T-shirt a pants and a jacket, even tho the Florida weather is gonna be so different from England. He got out a pair of snickers and his favorite socks that has little puppy prints on it.

He went down with all his suitcases and luggages then went to her mum "Mum Im gonna miss you stay safe and I love you okay" George said to her mum, "I will hun I will, now go and have fun" Goerge's mum said in a soothing way.

George hopped into his Car and turned on the radio trying to find a good station but the stations we're not playing music so he goes to the back of his car reached out for his bag and got the AUX chord. He then plugged in his phone and played his favorite tune which is "HeatWaves". "Get ready florida because im on my way" he said to himself then starts to drive and sing.

The Drive wasn't too long so he got there early so he called his best friend Wilbur to come and get his Car so he called eventually Wilbur answers "Hello man, so today's the day huh" "yeah today's the day and by the way someone's waiting for you" George said, "Alright I'll be there as soon as possible " Wilbur said then hung up.

George didn't need to wait long for Wilbur cuz he knows how organize Wilbur is. Wilbur arrived in a cab smiling whilst waving to Goerge, "Hey Gogy what's up so where's this someone that was waiting for me ey", Wilbur said in the most British way ever, "it's right here" George said to Wilbur, "so this is it hm?" Wilbur said with a bit of sadness in the way he said it, "its okay Wil I'll always call you, I promise" George said reassuring Wilbur that nothing is gonna go wrong.

George handed his Car keys to Wilbur who was crying tears of Joy and sadness at the same time, George hugged Wilbur really tight and said "it's okay I'm always here", George said in a comforting way. "Im gonna go now bye take care Wil love you man" George says his last goodbyes to his best friend for the past 6 years and then he went in the airport, the last thing he sees is a crying Wilbur.

George was trying to find his seat, he then found his seat on the right side besides the window he then opened his phone enabled airplane mode cuz for safety reasons he then opened his voice memos and played "Hi George this is George so right now your in a plane going to your new house and job" George fell asleep whilst listening to his memo.

"Ladies and Gents. we are about to land so please put your seatbelts on, Thank you for flying with us" The Flight attendant said while demonstrating how to put on their seatbelts. George quickly put on his seatbelt.

"We have arrived, Welcome To Florida" The flight attendants said in unison. George didn't know how long he slept it was his time to get out of the plane when he got out he can already feel the difference between the weather here and back home.

He went to the luggage area and then he got all of his bags and luggages it was too many so he called his one and only American friend that lives in Florida, "Hey Karl I need help please I'm at the airport right now, can you pick me up? Please", Karl then answered "Alright I'm gonna change first so go and do something to kill time", "okay I'll be waiting" George then went to the gift shop he saw a flier about his dream Job and he didn't know that the owner was a guy named Dream that wears a smiling mask "he looks a bit creepy" George Said to himself.

"GEORGE!!!" Karl shouted even tho there was a lot of people, he then quickly stood up and was hugged really tight from the tall man "Oh my ghod your so tall" George says trying to escape the tall mans hug, "and you're so short" Karl says letting go of George "I am not, I am the average height of a man" George says with a bit of sass in his tone, Karl laughed at the response. They then went to the parking lot and got to Karl's car he then puts his bag in the back and then sat on the front seat but he went in the wrong door cuz its different in London, he got in the drivers seat but he was too lazy so he just crawled to the other seat and then put on his seat belt and then he slept, "Gogy why are you awhh" Karl wanted to ask about the other side of the door but got awed by George for he was in deep sleep. So he just drove in silence until he got to his House and woke George up.

"We're here you sleepy head" Karl said trying to wake George up. "Ugh go away Karl" George murmurs, "come on George my boyfriend is Waiting" Karl said in annoyance "excuse me what? Did you just say boyfriend?" George says as he didn't know that Karl has a boyfriend "Yes and he is waiting for cuddles and I am so tired so come on lets go" Karl said trying to stay up, "okay" that's all George can say. 

They arrived back at Karl's House

"Hey Baby" Karl's Boyfriend called out for him, "Hi babe" Karl replies as he fell on his boyfriend's arms. "Hello I need help here" George says waving his hands "oh yeah George this is Nick my boyfriend and Nick this is George my friend from London" Karl introduced them to each other. "Hey" is all Nick said George mutters out a small "hey". They then went in the house and the first thing George sees is a small living room with a big couch and a yellowish green smiling face painting beside the TV he asked himself "I've seen that somewhere".

"Welcome to Florida, George and by the way your room is right over, there and that's were the Bathroom, is and by the way don't mind the neighbors are a bit noisy" Karl said then went back to the couch because his Boyfriend was waiting for him to 'Netflix and Chill'.

George didn't want to know what will happen later so he puts his belongings to the empty drawers and took a picture and posted it on Insta
'Just arrived in Florida'
He then went out and saw the unthinkable Karl on top of Nick eating his face while watching the Notebook he quickly went in the bathroom and turned on the shower "A warm bath can clean what I just saw" he said to himself jokingly, so he went in the shower and took a bath cleaning himself cuz he was surprised of what he saw.

When he got out of the Bathroom there was no sign of the two "they probably went in the Bedroom ugh" George said while faking gags. He then rushed to his room so that he wouldn't be caught half naked a towel on his waist.

He was changing to a nice clean black hoody and Pajamas then he prepared his stuff for tomorrow's interview at his dream Job, then he went to sleep feeling happier than ever.

Little did he know that Nick actually also works in His dream job

Hey guys so this is the first chapter hope you enjoyed it stay safe love you❤️

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