prison is shit

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"Y'know... I'm kinda bored of this whole prison situation- you?" His cellmate glanced at him. "Together?" They share a grin and cup their hands around their mouths "CAN WE GET SOME PRIMES IN THE CHAT?" there's a commotion from the guards down the hall and a few moments later a loud crack is heard.

"Tubbo?!" The brunette's face is covered by a standard guard mask- but he can still recognize his friend. "But I thought you got executed?!" He smiled at the other under his mask. "Well don't sound so happy about it Tomms. Purpled, right? Tommy told me a bit about you." He pointed at the other blond before moving to unlock the door. Purpled hummed in agreement and moved to grab something from the back of the room. He returned a few moments later with two switchblades from inside the mattress. "Let's go."

Before they left, Tubbo ran back to the guard at the end of the hall. "Ehat are you doing?!" There were sirens going off throughout the building. He picked up the guard and slung them over his shoulder in almost the same way a fireman would carry someone. "Don't worry about it- just go." Even with the added weight he still ran ahead of the other two to show them the easiest way to get out.

"Up there." He points to a window above their heads. "How do we get up there?" Purpled had hardly finished asking the question when Tubbo had dumped the guard on the ground. "Sorry Boo." Tommy looked at him with an unreadable look. "You two fuckin dating or something?" Tubbo smacked the side of the shorter's head. "His name is Ranboo, dumbass." Apparently this was an acceptable answer, as Tommy goes quiet.

"HELLO! HOW DO WE GET TO THE WINDOW?" They shot him a "really' look and refocused on the task at hand. Tubbo crouched down and laced his fingers together, letting Tommy step on his hands and all but throwing him up to the window. "Your turn, Mr Purple." Purpled rolled his eyes, but still got launched up the wall all the same- although somewhat more gently. "If I toss Ranboo up you two think you can catch him?" They shook their heads. "Face it Tubbs- we have to just leave him h-ERE!" He lets out a screech as a pile of limbs and hair lands on the ledge with them. "Turns out I can just strap him to my back." He unlatches the window and drops down.

"Isn't that like- a three story drop?" Tommy studies the windows on the side of the building, then casually announces. "Four, actually." And slips off the ledge out the window. "What the hell is wrong with those two?" He shakes his head, lets his wings fade in and jumps down. The first thing he hears as he reaches the ground is "well I guess gliding works- but you only get half the thrill of falling!" He shakes his head. "Yea but you also get half the broken legs." Tubbo just stuck his tongue out and started moving towards the forest that made up the surrounding grounds of the so called 'high security containment facility' the Warden would be pissed that somehow his best guards had let a few seventeen year olds not only escape- but take one of his guards in training with them too. He was a dead man walking at this point- the big boss wasn't to pleased that the entire prison force couldn't capture and keep control of three children.

"Sooooo- think we'll be seeing Sam anymore?" The question is asked by tommy to no one in particular. "If we do I feel like there'll be at least a few more scars." They all cringed at the thought- they didn't like Sam, but all three had seen their brothers try to heal and bandage the wounds that that hellish machine caused. No one deserved that, no matter how shitty. They dropped the topic and continued chatting, just talking about random shit until they heard a groan. "Hang on, Boo's waking up." They stopped and sat on the ground so Tubbo could unstrap the awakening Ranboo.

"Where are we?" The boy held a hand to the side of his head. "Are we on the outside-?" He can't seem to finish the sentence, just stares at the other three. Tubbo is the first to respond, nodding and grinning at where the boy lay on the grass. "We made it out!" As soon as those words were spoken, Ranboo jumped to his feet. "How far?" Tubbo gave a small shrug and stood up. "Not sure, but... Would you care to dance good sir?" He puts on a posh voice, bows and hold a hand out to the oldest. "Why yes, I would be delighted to have this dance with you" he matches the tone perfectly and grabs Tubbo's hand.

"What happened to not dating?" Tommy called out from the sidelines- but the smile on his face gave away how good it was to see his friend this happy again. No response was given- the two just continued dancing to whatever music was playing in their minds, leaving the blonds to sit back against the large trees surrounding the clearing.

After around ten minutes, Purpled glanced towards Tommy, he looked... Almost sad, but only a little- he was still happy about the escape and all, just distracted. The next time Tommy looked up, there was Purpled, hand extended, staring off to the side. "this is only as friends." Their hands joined and Purpled stuck out his tongue. "Of course it is- don't make it weird"

The group danced and soon found sticks to sing into, choosing a song they all knew most of the words to and probably messing up half if it. Soon everyone was laying on a tree branch each, they had found the largest tree near the clearing and made it a temporary sleeping place.

"Goodnight everyone." Ranboo was the first to fall asleep, curled up like a cat on a wide branch. Tommy passed out next laying stomach down on a branch with his arms and legs dangling down towards the ground. After some talk of who would take the first watch, Purpled eventually leant back against the trunk of the tree and let his body slump into the small group of thinner branches. Tubbo climbed a little higher, just to get a good view of the surrounding forest. The prison was only just visible from where they were.

He'd have to tell them eventually... He glanced to his sleeping friends, they looked peaceful... He would tell them eventually, but for now they could all just celebrate their escape.

Maybe he didn't really have to tell them.

After all...

Who would admit to making a deal with the devil?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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