Security cameras

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3rd POV

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3rd POV

Flashes of lightning were seen through the windows as the teacher was speaking. the noise of pencils writing the breathing and snoring in the class as the day was slowly coming to an end.
it had seemed like a normal piercing sound of the ball as it signaled the day had come to an end with students leaving the classroom.
    that soon turned into people yelling in the hells in agony, yells for help echoed through the building begging for a hero to arrive at the school. the next second the screen turned black as the last thing saw was someone being crushed by seemingly nothing. nothing but the silence was heard as the heroes stared at the black screen trying to make sense of what had happened. This was possibly the most talked-about case in the city as many couldn't wrap their head around it. It intrigued the public about what had happened it was a normal day until it wasn't. Many people thought there was a new villain about to take the world by storm having nothing to go off except a single video that didn't reveal much information. 

The incident was the city's talk many wondered who would do such a gruesome act inside a school. A cough breaking the silence in the room  "is that all we have to go off to find that villain" Snipe questioned hoping they'd have more to possibly go off. sensing the silence in that room it was obviously they didn't have anything to look at.

Unknown to them, they'd soon have more information but curiosity killed the cat. Days went by without seemingly no more incidents by said quirk user days turned into months without fail it turned into a dead topic to the public. The heroes had denied to the police handle it but with little to nothing to go off, it went cold and collected dust seemingly forgotten about.

But that was by far the worst choice they could have made and they had realized that once they struck again but harder this time. It was a small hero company that isn't fairly popular with the public. 

Flames grow as the screaming from the building came to a stop a small crater in front of the building. words it seemed like engraved into the crater that read, "Lies deceitful, intrusions Your spinning webs  masquerading about without masks, Deception."

the heroes left in confusion being watched from the sidelines hidden inside the crowd behind the police tape. Without a hint of suspicion as the h/c individual was left unnoticed by the crowd. All they would find a hint for the person who had caused such an introduction from nearby security cameras.  

the footage didn't have the best quality or best angels is a blurred silhouette of the person who had to cause the incident. 

It was everywhere people checked the news as well as big and small like content creators speculating about the meaning of the words. 


Words - 518

A/n - i hope you all enjoy the intro for the story i have a lot of ideas on where i wanna take the story. i also sorry about the abrupt stop on the bsd one-shot and whatever else. i am working on updating it more schools just taken up a lot of my time and life juts been crazy. Have a good rest of your day updates wont be consistent 

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