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"For someone like myself in whom the ability to trust others is so cracked and broken that I am wretchedly timid and am forever trying to read the expression on people's faces

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"For someone like myself in whom the ability to trust others is so cracked and broken that I am wretchedly timid and am forever trying to read the expression on people's faces."

- Osamu dazai No longer Human


The sound of the thud of the door is the only sound hansuke as he followed behind y/n.

" do you think they ever felt bad about what happened?" hansuke questioned
And then leaned to get a glance at the former's expression

"no idea but they'll have a chance to show that won't they" y/n muttered

The sounds of crickets and small breezes of wind going throughout the house

The next morning AU class 1a

"Everyone please settle down I'm sure it's nothing to panic over"
Iida exclaimed over his gossiping classmates

The reason slide off the classroom door seemed to have silenced the class.

Good morning class..." Mr. Aizawa greeted lazily walking to his desk

"Sir, have you found the intruders from the other day?" Iida questioned

"No, we have unfortunately haven't found anything the only evidence have that they were even here was that hole" Aizawa sighed and motioned for them to sit down

"Today we'll be going outside but please avoid the hole the intruder left"
Aizawa instructions


"what kinda quirk do you think they have it has to be strong though," Denki asked gazing into the hole
"No clue but the pros will take care of it " Kirishima started glancing at bakugo who seemed to be staring
At the gate.

Bakugo POV 

The blabbering of dunce's face and Kirishima talking about who knows what.

lancing at the gate of the school and people passing going on with their lives.
Getting bored of watching pretty much nothing.Until one of them came to a sudden stop and turned to make eye contact with the seemingly emerald-looking eye. A green almost digital-looking particles surrounded the boy as a smile made its way onto his face.

Slowly making his way to the gate that was at least two miles away. "Hey, bakubro where are yo-Dude wait!"
Kirishima started only to yell following behind.

The green particles spread onto his body and evaporated only leaving a smile for a few seconds before also disappearing.

Slowing down finally realizing he'd been sprinting still half a mile away from the gate.
"you saw that too right?" he asked sending a look at Kirishima who nodded seemingly out of breath.

"Hey, Bakugo Kirishima Come back Mr. Aizawa is telling you to get back to Training beginning" Jiro shouted with the class staring at the two with confusion and curiosity.

"..Ya Well be there Soon" Kirishima yelled back

"bakugo...do you trust them..?"  A voice called through the air
As he snapped his head back to be met with nothing "bakugo Did something happen?" Kirishima asked concern lacing his voice

3rd POV

Kirishima watched as bakugo eyes widen shocked by surprised
His mouth opened the slamed shut before muttering soft nothing


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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A broken puzzle. MHA x male reader REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now