The encounter

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(This is edited by darkenhearted)

Alastor was sitting on an old stump near the school as usual when he ate lunch. It was quiet and most of his bullies didn't bother him while he's was in the woods. Though today wasn't his normal day, because soon enough he started hearing a boy yelling and screaming coming from further in the forest. Of course he couldn't sit by while someone was getting hurt though He did wish people would do the same for him, but now wasn't the time for self pity. He closed his lunch box and started following the sound of screams further into the forest. He soon saw 3 boys stomping...something, when Alastor was close enough he realized that it was another boy. Alastor quickly took action and started yelling hoping to distract them long enough for the other boy to escape. " 'ow 'bout ya pik on s'meone y'own size!" All of the boys quickly turned to look at him and before they could panic they recognized who it was and started to laugh as they started towards him. "what are you gonna do? Little miss squeaky voice?" The eldest, obviously the leader of the pack called out.

A knot formed in Alastor's throat as the boys started to come closer to him. Alastor quickly began trying to think of a way out of this predicament. Obviously he didn't want to fight them but he also couldn't let the poor boy be beaten to death. As the boys got closer Alastor made a spur of the moment judgement and swiftly dodged the boys and ran to the one laying on the ground. They quickly started running towards Alastor while he grabbed the surprisingly light boy and took off in a dead run. He knew there was only one option available, he had to get to his house. It was the only place he knew he would be safe, him and this poor beaten boy. He knew he couldn't stop until he reached his safe haven.

Alistor could hear the soft sound of the boy crying and felt the tears soaking into his shirt but at this point he couldn't focus on anything but getting home. He could barely breath due to the pace he was keeping and had no idea if the boys had stopped chasing them or not, nor did he care to find out. Finally he made it home, quickly sprinting in and slamming the door before locking it. Gently he set the boy down so he could assess how bad his injuries were. "I-I'm S-sorr-rr-rry m-ma-ma'am" The boy stuttered out through his sobs.

Alastor slowly say next to him, so as not to scare him. He had no idea how bad off he was and didn't want to make it worse; "Unlike what those boys said, m'not a girl, a'least not that I'm aware of." he said with a smile and a soft laugh trying to put the boy at ease. The boy opened his eyes and Alastor got his first actual look at him. He took note of his different colored eyes and gave another smile, 'A smile can change someone's entire perspective about you' he remembered his momma saying time and time again.

"My names Alastor, but y'can call me Al..if you want to."

The pretty eyed boy gave a weak smile in return before freezing as he heard the door unlock. Alastor gave a wide smile and started to get up, the boy starting to tear up again. Alastor was a little confused but gave a warm hello to his mom as she opened the door.

"Hello Momma."

Claudine gave a warm smile before noticing the the sniffling boy on the ground who looked almost like a deer in headlights. Puzzled she asked, "Who's that my faon?"

Alastor gave a quick glance behind him, "I don't know, I saved 'im from sum boys in the woods." Claudine gave a pitied look to the door and immediately shut it before slowly sitting on the ground. She made sure to give the boy a bit of space so that she didn't scare him further but could take inventory of his injuries. "Oh poor thing, he has so many cuts and bruises.."

Alastor went to help his mom but she stopped him. "You'll hurt him, just stay here and i'll be right back...make some food for the poor boy." He was a little taken aback as Claudine took the boy with her into her bedroom.
Sighing he went to the bathroom to change into his lounge wear before starting to make food for everyone, making a little bit more than normal since they obviously had a guest for the time being.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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