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The bell rung. I ran to class, bumping into Asa on the way.
"Hey." She said, startled.
"Hey Az." I said, "Sorry, I'm in a bit of a rush." I said, trying to get past her.
"Haha you look like it. What's wrong?" She asked.
I didn't know what to say. Should I tell her? Not here.
"Umm I'll tell you tonight." I said, trying to look over her shoulder.
"Ok. How's it going with Justin?" She asked.
"Well -I'll tell you tonight." I said.
"Ok. See you then, Vic." She said, walking away. I walked towards science. I could see Justin sitting at a table with his friends. I walked up to him.
"Hi." I said.
"Hey babe." He replied, his friends walking away.
"So, are we still on for after school?" I asked.
"Yeah. Dinner or just a snack?"
"I'm not sure. Probably a snack cause I promised Asa we would hang tonight." I said.
"K. See you then." He said. I nodded and sat at my desk. The whole class was pretty boring. I talked to my friends, competed the work, raised my hand a couple of times. The bell rang, and everyone got out of their seats. Justin caught up with his friends. I walked out, noticing he had dropped his phone. I chuckled, he was gonna thank me for this. I picked it up, looking at the background of me and him on our senior beach trip. I looked so happy, so did he. Holding my hand, I had joy in my eyes. Suddenly, a text came on the home screen. I opened it, confused. It was a girls contact. Sofia. I opened the text immidialaty.
'Hey. Miss u. When are you coming back to Florida? xx'
What the heck was this? Justin was having an affair, with a girl from the beach?! I was so mad, I felt like puking and crying at the same time. I turned the phone off, and stormed out the door.

I walked to lunch. I felt gloomy. Justin and I had been a perfect couple for almost two years, but I had no idea he would want to end that with me. For what, for some girl from the beach? Who does he think he is? I mean, our graduation was this year. He was going yo have to eventually tell me. It was just hard. Knowing that sometime this year he's going to breakup with me, and there will be nothing I could do about it. I hated myself for believing him. For trusting him with my heart. I stared at the ground.
"Hey." Asa said, walking up to me.
"Hi." I said, remaining my vision at the floor.
"Ok. What's up?" She said.
"What do you mean?" I asked, finally looking up to see her bright red hair.
"You. What's up with you. You've been acting weird all day." She said.
"I mean..." I said.
"Vic," She put her hand on my shoulder, "you can tell me." I sighed. If only I could. But I couldn't. Not right now.
"Nothing's wrong." I said. She eyed me, skeptically.
"Tell me. Please." She urged. I wracked my brain, trying to find excuses. She looked at me.
"Fine." She said, "But last time I checked, best friends were supposed to trust each other." She said, walking away. I pulled her arm. I dragged her behind the lockers. She crossed her arms and stared at me. I sighed, giving in.
"It's about Justin."

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