Kissed by the darkness

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Hai...Get Scared and Simple Plan inspired meh... cx anyway last chapter, the beginning was the past, the depression ya know. Anyway mah loves, enjoy!

Oh no. No. No....

It's gone...

The fear, the panic washed over you. You felt like you were choking, drowning. You've never lost your medicine. You have to find it. Your life is on the line. Your sanity was running short.

Your head started to hurt, you dashed into your room, throwing everything everywhere, ripping everything apart, praying that the life savers are within reach, somewhere here.

Your eyes started to fill up with tears when you were on the last box, searching, praying. It felt like the colors of darkness, of depression, of the nightmares were spinning around you, circling closer and closer.

You could feel the hollow sickness fill up your stomach. Burning rage, and icy cold shocks flickered through your spine, leaving your mind paralyzed in fear. The fear of the darkness, the darkness that's marked you. That's kissed your wrist with razors, kissed your waist, tearing the unwanted skin away. The darkness that's kissed your head to enter a horrible and vivid sleep.

God, please let me live through tonight. Let me find it. Please... please... don't let me go into the darkness again.

You turned your head towards the mirror, hanging in the living room. Your heartd stopped, your choked. You saw something, the thing that you promise to bury and let die, has returned, starting you in the eyes. Watching you. Reading you.

It is you.

Purple bags under it's eyes, black water streaming down it's cheeks, ghostly fragile figure, shaking. Red lines, so many red lines. Some small, others large. Some deep, others deeper. Empty eyes, just dark sockets. No life. No happiness. No nothing.

Just pain.

You stared into the soulless creature, watching it. And the creature burned into your eyes, watching you shake.

You froze when the creature moved it's pointer finger over it's cracked and hard lips, in a silencing gesture. Then it whispered with a bone chilling tone, "He's coming."

Then it disappeared, the creature vanished.

You looked into the mirror and found your own shaky and ghost expression.

It's too late. The memories started to drown you, all at once they were unlocked and oozing back into you mind, the hate will tear your heart apart and shred it to pieces, the pain will make you ache from everything, the cold will freeze you forever, the depression will eat you alive, savoring your beating heart and crying screams. Everything will fall, crumble. You will fall into the abyss and never come out.

The darkness will consume you. It will become you. Again.

It will kiss you. Gently and deeply, never roughly, never too fast. It will hold you tightly until you slip into a nightmare and awake to only realize, it's all reality. And that the he's still here.

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