I still miss you...

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I listened to Three Days Grace's- "World So Cold" annnnnd I got inspired. So enjoy mah sweethearts and remember, I love you all.

"Ma-Mark?" You turned around, too fast and saw nothing...?

His voice. His beautiful voice. How can it still linger here?

Sorrow began to fill your stomach. You felt the blood in you ran cold. You missed him. So much, it hurts.


He's gone. Forever...

Nothing can bring him back and you didn't want to believe it. Tears threatened to spill, it all happened so fast...

You can still remember it, like it happened yesterday.

"Mark!" You squeaked making a little noise.

He laughed and continued to tickle your sides and stops.

You finally calmed down your laughter and looked up at him, feelings your heart melt like his chocolate eyes. So beautiful.

He smiled even bigger and  leans down to kiss you, but stops to where your lips are barely touching."I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too." You smiled and pouted when he just smirked. "Stop teasing me Mark."

"But it's fun." He giggled, he placed a soft kiss on your lips and moved on to your neck and shoulder.

You chuckled, when he tender lips touched the weak spot. "Mark!" You pouted.

"Yas m'lady," He replied in a sweet fancy accent.

"Stop it." Your giggles increased when he tickled you again.

He stopped.

Very odd of him? "Mark? Is something wrong?"

"No...I...just--" He looked at you, so thoughtfully. "I love you so much."

His voice still rings in your head. It's hurting.

Something hot wet traveled down your face. You wiped your face and a whimpering was caught in your throat.

"I-I... mi...miss y-you... Ma-Mark... "

Then something hit the back of your head. The impact was so great, that you fell to the ground, gasping for air.

"Ive missed you too..."

Sorry if it wasn't that amazing... but it'll get good soon I promise. Tadaa for now mah loves c:

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