Lucky winner

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I thought they were only joking when they said that they had put my name through to the competition. But apparently they weren't.

Hi, my name is Lucy Heartfilia. My friends Levy and Erza decided a month ago to put me forward for a competition to go on tour with there favorite band 'Fairy tail'. They are apparently 'in love' with some of the members.

Sadly I do not feel the same way. Never will I ever feel that way about that stupid boy band.

They wanted to make me like the band more but I don't see that happening. It was suppose to be a joke. There was millions of girls competing for the place to go on tour with the famous band.

But here I am today. A huge tour bus waiting for me outside of my apartment with a huge Fairy tail logo on the side.

Levy and Erza were the ones to open the door. I was in the kitchen when I herd shrieks coming from my front door.

I got worried. What if someone was trying to kidnap my best friends. Sadly though it was just four guys who my friends were screaming over.

"I'm going to guess that this is lucky Lucy" someone said. I flinched at my old nickname. I looked at the boy who had said it. He had pink hair and a cheesy grin on his face that I was resisting the urge to slap off.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked looking daggers at them all.

They all looked shocked as if I should know exactly who they were. this got me even more annoyed.
"We are Fairy tail" another boy with black hair said "and we are here to take our lucky winner on tour with us"



I laughed. "Have fun with that" I said as I walked back into my apartment.

How I got here, with a suitcase packed and being hurried into a tour bus by a group of ruff boys, I don't think I will ever know.

I don't know how they got me to do it but somehow Levi and Erza got me to pack a suitcase and made me agree to going on this stupid trip with there favorite band. I sighed in defeat as I said goodbye to my friends and got into the bus.

This was going to be a long tour.

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