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nash's pov.

i cleaned the semen off my hand with a napkin. i gestured him to sit on the couch. he wouldn't sit though.

he snapped his fingers and two very buff men in suits came in.

(a/n: daddy is also wearing a suit. asdfghjkl)

one grabbed my arms and the other punched me in my stomach.

i groaned in pain. sam crouched down to my level.

"i need my money, nash. and my fucking weed back. " i tried to stand up but i couldn't.

"you're a billionaire though. why do you need money?" he snapped his fingers again and i fell on my knees.

i heard click. i looked up to see a gun to my head.

"it's not even about the fucking money. it's about the weed. weed costs money."

one night, i was drunk and i was over sam's house. there were all these girls, there was weed and booze, obviously.

long story short, i took his weed. on the other hand about the money.

i placed bets. gambling.

i owed big. i though moving here to california would resolve my problem but he followed me along the way.

"i don't have money." he chuckled.

"take him out." i soon protested.

"I'll get the money, okay? give me a few months."

he sighed. "alright. but if you don't get me my money, i'll tell your little home girl about your stalking. " he smirked.

i shook my head. he chuckled. "i could tell why you chose her. she's hot."

i growled. "don't go there."

he laughs and smiles. not an ordinary smile but a devious one. he snaps his fingers again and leaves out the front door.

last thing, i remember except for the fist coming in contact with my face.

wow wow wow. i was kind of thinking of law & order:svu, that's why i put the gambling part. okay this sucked more ass than i do.

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