Tony finds a tree (and kills it)

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When he was very little Anthony Edward Stark had looked Howard Stark in the eyes and promptly stated he was not his father. Perplexed Howard and Maria had done a paternity test just to be sure. It didn't matter that Tony was a miniature of Howard. Satisfied with the results of the test, Howard was Tony's biological dad, they'd forgotten about it. There really was nothing to worry about Tony had smiled and stated he didn't like his other dad anyway.

When Tony was around six he questioned Maria and Howard where his siblings were. The child left his parents stunned when he showed them three drawings of... things. Creatures with too many wings, to many eyes. One a dark blue, one green and one golden. "This is not what they actually look like. They are.. more of a feeling you know?" Tony had muttered. Howard and Maria had written it off as another weird faze their child was experiencing.

Tony would talk to their butler about his weird dreams. Jarvis wisely decided to not mention them to his parents and simply helped Tony. He got the child a night light and a heated blanket when he mentioned the nightmares about the freezing darkness. He quietly listened to Tony ramble about flying and got him books on birds and planes. Tony appreciated the effort Jarvis put into him. He loved Jarvis probably more than his fake dad and his other Father.

The weirdness remained with Tony throughout the years as he grew up. He however got busy with technology, it was quite fascinating and he had the burning need to know how everything worked. He got into MIT at the young age of 17. That number felt wrong, but he couldn't really do anything about it. That same year his parents died in a car crash. That too felt wrong Jarvis was an excellent driver. He mourned his butler the most. Only a year later JARVIS gained consciousness and the digital version of Tony's beloved father figure slowly but surely started growing a soul.

Once done with school, it had been a breeze, he took over the company from Obediah Stane. Tony didn't like the man, his surrogate uncle. There was always something off about Obediah. Tony managed to hide his distaste well enough. Leaving the man none the wiser.

Then a couple of years down the line, a presentation in Afghanistan. The Jericho missile was shot off and Tony felt almost giddy with the shockwave his creation set off. The wind rushing through his hair was a familiar welcome feeling. Riding back to base should have been easy. Only they were attacked and a bomb shot shrapnel into his chest. A bomb with His name on it. Tony would rage about it later, the enemy was not supposed to have his weapons. Currently the billionaire was a little preoccupied with a car battery in his chest and a nice man named Jensen.

Building the mark one in a cave with nothing more than scrap was a huge ego boost. Or it would be. "We will brag about this when we're out." Tony would mutter. The dreams of falling stayed away while he slept in the cave. He was thankful for the relieve. The torture was hard enough on his mind. Tony longed to beat these mud monkeys into the course, dry desert sand.

The day of their escape went by perfectly. Or it should have. Jensen the hero, Tony's Hero, had gone ahead to buy him time. He proceeded to succumb to his injuries and died in Tony's arms. Filled with justified rage Tony proceeded to burn the place down before taking off and flying a little distance away. The suit didn't exactly hold up and fell apart mid flight as Tony was only a mile away from the encampment. "Piece of junk." Tony mumbled softly to himself in exhaustion. He proceeded to leave the thing in the hot sand and stumbled forth through the desert. Maybe he would die out here with no food or water. It had been six months, they might have given up looking for him. Tony frowned No. No, way. Rhodey his best friend, his brother in all but blood wasn't just going to give up. In return Tony wouldn't give up hope either. He kept going in a straight line he would reach the end of this blasted desert some time. He had to keep going.

At first he thought the cold was his body succumbing to head stroke. Yet, Tony had to face the fact he wasn't hallucinating when he ran into an ice spike and almost broke his nose. He had always loved the cold, winter was his favourite season. As a child Tony had often complained about being too hot.

Yet standing here leaning against the ice spice he shivered. "What the.. hell?" He looked up with tired eyes and surveyed his surroundings. A pure white tree with leaves like snow and ice spreading all around it stood proud in the middle of this god forsaken desert. The shade the giant tree cast must be the reason why it was so damn cold here. Tony reasoned.

He stepped closer, intrigued by the strange phenomenon. Tony thought he heard singing at one point in his journey towards the massive tree. It was probably his imagination. This entire place was probably a dream Tony decided. He was definitely just laying in the sand foaming at the mouth and hallucinating this entire... supernatural experience. Wishing to prove to himself this was in fact a dream he punched the bark of the tree, intending to hurt his fingers in the process. Who knows it might wake him up.

The tree promptly shattered upon impact with his fist the glowing shards floated in the air as Tony stared absolutely stunned by the display. The glowing shards suddenly rushed into Tony's chest and he screamed. It was a good thing there was nobody around for over 60 miles or else their eyes and ears would have simply imploded. An Archangel's unfolding true form and grief stricken scream were certainly not a sight a mere mortal should behold. Especially Lucifer the brightest of them all. For that was who Tony was. He was, always had been and would be Lucifer.

Now though. He was also Tony. Somehow these measily 30 or so years on earth as Tony made a world of a difference. Lucifer's anger had mellowed humans were still mud monkeys but some. Pepper, Rhodey. Were ok. Lucifer decided he wanted to stay so he wrapped himself inside of his body in a neatly fit angel package. He hid inside his own human soul and vowed to only use his  powers in emergencies. He was Tony fucking Stark and he had friends to come home to.

As if on cue a Helicopter flew over head and Tony started jumping and waving frantically. It was Rhodey. His best friend caught him as he collapsed asleep in his arms. Tony was exhausted from the eons of memories he had regained. Plus he hadn't exactly used his grace to fix his body. Photo evidence of his torture would be beneficial to have, he thought.

Once back at the military base, 6 months late, he demanded a cheeseburger. Molecules never tasted better.

//// AN OwO what's this? A new fic right after a new chapter from another Fanfic? I must be feeling... the hyperfixation.

So ye. Tony is Lucifer. Next up. Stane gets kicked in the nuts. Tony has the ability to read minds and see souls. He'll kick Stane's ass before even building the suit. He will still build the suit. Man loves his tech. Its fascinating to him. Creating makes him feel close to his parent.

Updates? Who knows. Could be tomorrow. Could be 6 months.

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