Obie learns his actions have consequences (and Tony builds a suit)

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Honestly Lucifer wondered why he hadn't zapped himself home. Instead he had demanded a burger and a press conference. Yet the flashing lights of the many cameras were also very comforting. They kind of reminded him of fledgling angels flashing brightly to try to get his attention. The memory made him smile softly and he quietly wondered if heaven knew he had escaped the cage. Lucifer shook his head. Questions for later. Right now though. He had a world to shock. Lucifer opened his mouth and the world listened to Tony Stark speak.

"While I was captured and tortured into submission. I saw the enemy use weapons I designed for their gains. I want to protect people. Not harm them. I've been Death's merchant for far too long. But no more. I don't want a body count to be my only legacy. There are other things we can do. From here on out Stark industries will not be supplying, manufacturing or designing weapons any longer. I'm going to overhaul my branches to focus on the betterment of our planet. Sustainable green energy for one, cleanup of the plastic soup for two.  Next to that the Stark phone was already in production before my disappearance and we will be selling other gadgets to the masses as well." Tony smiled. "This new plan of action is effective immediately. Thank you all for listening." He bowed as the reporters started firing questions at him. 

Obie tried his best to diminish the damage. "What we should take away from thisis that Tony's back, he's healthierthan ever, and as soon as he healsup and takes some time off, we'regoing to have a little internaldiscussion and get back to you.Thank you for coming by."

Lucifer felt unhappy with his interference. He for one was absolutely sure about the direction he now wanted to take his company in. He frowned while turning towards his godfather with his mouth opened to ask him why he would try to stop this. But then. Lucifer saw Obie... Obadiah Stane's soul. It was a frail ugly little thing. Filled with jealousy and hatred Tony's beating heart broke a little. He knew immediately, even before using a tiny smidge of grace to look through Obadiah's memories. Lucifer swallowed thickly his eyes burned. Obie was the reason he'd been tortured. Stane had wanted him dead. Dead and gone. No matter how smart Tony was. Stane just wanted Stark Industries for himself. It hurt. It hurt a lot. Angels love with their entire being and Tony had loved Obie. The betrayal stung so bad he couldn't entirely contain himself. This is how The picture of Tony Stark kicking Obadiah Stane in the nuts got on the front cover. With the headline. "Stark is back and ready to make a change. No matter what anyone says."


Obediah Stane hadn't been expecting it when he was called to court. Not even a week after Tony's return. He really, really hadn't expected it. He also hadn't been expecting to be confronted with evidence of every little dirty thing he had done. He watched numbly how Tony pulled up numerous videos, emails and files. Proof of his under the table dealing. Solid proof of how he sold out his own godson to the ten rings. Obie shivered under Tony's gaze. There was sadness there but also so much resentment. Once it was over and Stane had been delivered a life time prison sentence, Tony leaned in to whisper. "Be happy I allow you to continue to exist." He smiled in satisfaction as Stane shivered. The cold radiating off of Tony in that instance was truly unpleasant.


"Pepper!" Tony hugged his assistant and friend happily.

"Hey Tony." Pepper smiled softly and returned the gesture. "You stirred everything up." She smacked him lightly with her clipboard. "It was so nice and quiet while you were gone." Pepper pouted at him.

"Truly? You wish I had stayed in that cave for the rest of my mortal years?" Tony gasped in mock offense.

"God no. It was so boring." Pepper snorted. "I missed you." She hugged him again. "You have 6 meetings this week." She whispered in his ear. Tony whined in despair. "Pepper why." He sighed dramatically. "We were having a moment."

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