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Regulus Black loved his daughter and wife more than anything in the world. That's why he was going on this really dangerous mission. So that his family could have a better life than he did. He apparated quietly to a cave where there was a large cliff in the middle of the ocean. He carefully swam to it as he had to be extra careful because of the rocks.

After he swam to the cave he quickly grabbed the knife that he had stored in his pocket and sliced through the middle of his hand. He quickly turned his hand over and squeezed making some of the blood come out of his hand. He winced as he felt the blood slowly dripping out of the wound. A boat started to come towards him and he let out a shaky breath as he got onto the boat. When he got off the boat, he made his way over to a circular basin that was standing on a set of rocks.

Regulus noticed that there was a clear liquid in the basin. Regulus tried to cast the aquamenti charm, but that didn't work. He took a shaky breath before carefully taking the scoop, up into his shaky hands. Drinking the potion, he felt an immense amount of pain shoot through his chest as he quickly scooped up another spoonful. He quickly tried to drain the potion, so that he could get towards the locket, but it was no use as every time he drank pain would wash over him.

Suddenly something jumped out of the water that was surrounding the rocks and grabbed onto his ankle. Regulus stumbled backwards as he tried to keep his balance, but fell into the water. He tried to keep a float as he tried grasping edges of the rocks, but cutting his hands in the process. His head was then submerged in the water as these little things kept trying to drag him to the bottom. Regulus was gasping for air as he managed to shove his head above the surface. Suddenly, a bright ring of red light was flown across the cave and Regulus was brought out of the water.

"Reg," A voice spoke as he tried to no go unconscious. "Come on stay with me." The voice was a woman, he could tell. By the sound of the voice cracks and the soft, angelic voice he realized that it was his wife Samantha. "Alright it's going to be okay, you're going to stay with me."

Regulus coughed as he finally managed to spit some water out of his mouth. He was brought into a big hug by Samantha and she sobbed into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. "Hello, love."

"Don't you even think about it Regulus Black," Samantha spoke angrily. "We will talk about this when we get home and you see your daughter first. She's been wondering were you've been all day."

Regulus chuckled as his wife helped him stand up. The two quickly apparated home as they wanted to spend time with their daughter. Once Regulus got home, Samantha and him opened up his door and walked inside. There was Sirius sitting on the floor playing with the baby girl.

"What are you doing here?" Regulus asked, walking into the house and placing his coat on the coat rack next to the door.

"Well, Anna invited me since she didn't want this little one to be left all alone, considering that you went on a suicide mission," Sirius spoke as he continued to stare at the smiling baby in front of him.

Regulus glared at his brother before walking over to him and pulling him into a brotherly embrace. Sirius froze for a moment before he hugged his little brother back.

"It's good to have you back brother,"

"Oh by the way, I'm a dad and an uncle,"

"To who?"

"Well James had a child and named Harry, and I may have had a daughter named Charlotte,"

"Congrats!" Regulus smirked. "Wait that means that they'll be going to Hogwarts together!"

Regulus's daughter was born the 22nd of March. It was currently October 15th, 1980.(Quick Author's Note: I am changing that Regulus died when he was eighteen and that he didn't die and he decided to go looking for the horcrux when he was nineteen instead jut because I want Harry and Anneliese to be the same age.)

"Neither of them are allowed to date until their thirty," The brother's spoke at the same time.

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