3 - Royally Doing Espionage

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Now that I started to think about it. Maybe this was a bad plan. And I knew why.

I wasn't thinking big enough. Someone who worked hard to keep their reputation prim and proper had to have some sort of secret. And it was only a matter of time before they let it slip. How exactly I'd get that to happen, I had yet to figure out.

I sat next to Krash in BIM, logging onto my computer. "I'm telling you, he's going to pay."

"Cash or credit?"

"Every mode of payment."

Krash sighed, leaning back in her chair. "You know, we did tell you it was a bad idea."

What was this trend of my friends being unsupportive? "So maybe it was. I still would've gotten away with it if he hadn't appeared."

"Yeah, sure." She yawned. "I'm still half asleep here."

"Says the one that didn't have morning detention."

She flicked my red and white striped tie. "You don't need to drag down everyone with you."

"I like to think what I'm feeling is valid."

"Sure, but I don't want you going crazy over these tickets. Whether or not we get them, we'll have a blast."

"I guess so." Except that there were no other options for me except that Ball.

I noticed a newspaper sticking out of her backpack and poked it. "What's this? You've been in Yola's class?"

"Nope. I'm not that dumb." She grinned at my unamused expression. "Isa left it in my room, and I was gonna give it to her."

I pulled it out and read over the headline: "Mistress of Late-King Resuming Royal Life?"

Curling my lip, I slid it back inside. I'd never cared much for the royal family. Too much drama for an establishment that practically did nothing. From what I knew is that they just mingled with other royal rich people and do rich people things. So maybe it was contradictory seeing as I wanted a ticket to an event sponsored by their fancy little establishment, but I didn't have to like them.

Plus, they were pretty secretive. It was a surprise that Yola knew them at all. All I knew was that there was a king who died, and his brother took the throne. Nothing that jaw dropping.

I tapped away at my keyboard, working on my assignment. Maybe taking a break from my scheming would give me better ideas. "When's your next competition?" I asked Krash.

"Next Wednesday in Mercery," she responded. "Maybe a first place is in order."

Krash was on the Robotics team, I guess because she liked robots, and not gonna lie, it was actually a bit entertaining. "Can I come to this one?"

"If you even try to come, I'll kill you." That wasn't much of an empty threat. She'd never allowed any of us to come to her competitions even though we were allowed to, and it was an easy way to get out of school.

I grinned. "Just make sure there's periwinkles on my grave."

"Sure, but I'll kick up the dirt every weekend to make sure they disappear."

"Aren't you scared I'll haunt you?" I waggled my fingers at her.

"Hell no. As if I could ever be afraid of you."

"You should be." But that was pretty unlikely. The prof dropped off a slip of paper on my desk. I glanced over it to see that it was my course selection sheet for next year. "Damn, I forgot I left this here."

She read over it. "Drop it off in the front office. Ew, taking physics?"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't want to, but that's all there is. 7th Year is the only time I don't have to take a science."

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