Chapter 1

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                                                                The beginning 

"Morning sweetheart" My mom said as she panted a kiss on my forehead. "Morning mama" I said, plopping down on the stool in the kitchen. "Today's the big day then huh?" Mom said while pouring her usual morning cup of coffee. "Yeah..I guess it is" I sipped on my own freshly made cup before letting out a sigh. "I'm gonna miss this place, It still feels weird knowing that we're moving..specially without dad." Mom gave me a small side smile before sitting on the stool next to me, placing one of her hands on my back and giving it a gentle rub. "I know baby, all we've ever known is this house, this city..the same grumpy old neighbours." Mom said while looking at me, giving me a reassuring smile. "Your dad would be so proud of you." I smiled and nodded. "Of us mom..he'd be proud of us." She smiled, standing up and grabbing her coffee cup, planting one more kiss on top of my head. "The movers should be here by 1, I'm just gonna do the last bit of packing and then I guess we're set." I nodded. "I'll finish my coffee then give you a hand mom." I shifted in my seat, taking another gulp of my sweet coffee. "Thanks sweetheart." Mom said, walking out the kitchen. 

"I guess this is really it though, my whole life, my memories, everything I've ever known just packed up into brown boxes." I thought to myself, tapping the handle of the coffee cup. 


"That's everything then." Mom said, sticking the tape on the last box. I sighed in relief, pretending to wipe sweat of my forehead. "Phew" Mom rolled her eyes playfully, throwing the tape roll at me. "You're tired now? Just wait until we have to unpack all this stuff." Mom laughed. I groaned playfully, falling to my knees in defeat. She let out another laugh before standing and checking her watch. "Any minute now." She said, looking out the large window that overlooked our front porch and road. I stood up, making my way to stand next to her and leaning my head on her shoulder. "Are you excited?" I asked, nudging my head up towards her. "I..I am, after everything we've been through, We need this." She said, whispering the last few words. "Yeah mom, we do deserve it, we deserve some kind of luck." She nodded in agreement and squeezed my hand lovingly. "We do honey." We both stood there, staring out the window. It felt like we were stood there for years, Just staring at the abyss until we heard a horn followed by a large white truck pulling into our drive way. "Ahh, finally!" Mom said, more like yelled. She gave me a big smile. "Come on kiddo." 


"Come on Luna!" Mom yelled for me, waiting by the car. "Coming." I yelled back to her. I was just stood there in the house, looking around. Looking how empty it is, looking at the walls that me and dad once painted. The little dint on the floor where dad dropped his work tools. Every little imperfection that made it perfect because we did it. I rolled my sleeve down over my hand and wiped my tears. "I'll miss you." I whispered. I guess I was talking about the house..and my dad. I let out a big sigh before making my way out the front door. Mom was no longer waiting by the car, she was on the porch, tears streaming down her already red puffy face. "M-mom." I managed to creak out. "I know baby, I know." She said, opening her arms widely. I practically sprinted to her, burying my face and wrapping my arms around her so tightly never wanting to let go, letting the tears fall. I don't even know how long we stood there, neither of us wanted to let go or move. Time past and we eventually did let go, mom placing yet another kiss on my head. "Come on sweetheart, lets get going." We both looked back at the house once more before getting into the car and driving out the drive way for the last time. 


Mom and I spent the whole day driving to our new home, It was pitch black out but like usual, we made the most of our car trips, drive-through food, snacks and our favourite car playlist blaring. "I've loved this car trip but I can't wait to get there and lay down." I said before letting out a yawn. Mom let out a laugh, turning down the music. "We still have over an hour before we get there, try and take a nap honey." I yawned once more, snuggling into the blanket I grabbed from the back seat, slowly nodding. "Yeah..I think I will." And just like that, I drifted off. 


"Wake up sweetie, we're here." I heard, slowly waking up from my car nap, I stretched and looked out, nothing but..darkness besides faintly lit street lamps. "Damn, great lighting huh" I mumbled, opening my car door and stretching my legs. Mom chuckled, nodding her head agreeing. "Yeah too right, we'll have to do something about that, here take this box, its extra blankets for tonight." Mom said, passing me one of the brown boxes from the boot of the car. She grabbed one, before locking the car. We both slowly walked towards the house, glancing at one another every now and then. "Why does it look creepy." I whispered, looking at the overgrown trees and the creepy looking house that's now ours. Mom frowned a little, cutting her off quickly before she can say anything I said "But I'm sure we'll love it mom" I smiled. I don't want her thinking I already hate this place, but I am..It was pretty creepy looking. I stopped and grabbed my phone from my pocket, managing the box in my other hand. I snapped a picture of the house, clicking on my best friend's contact and sending her the picture. 

Me: Hey mads, look at the house

Me: Hey mads, look at the house

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mads: why does it look so...creepy

me: tell me about it. 

We got to the front door, mom grabbing the house keys from her pockets and unlocking the big wooden white door and pushing it open. It made the most awful squeaking noise I've ever heard a door make. We stepped in, mom turning the light switch on quickly. I set the box down and looked around, the air was just so heavy. I can't describe it but its just a lot. It didn't feel homey at all, If anything it felt like we weren't invited..welcomed. 

After settling in, laying down our mats and blankets on the living room floor, we chatted and talked about the house, mom soon fell asleep and I was just left laying there on my phone. I know it sounds stupid because it's our home now but, I was so uncomfortable..kinda like having the feeling I was being watched by someone..or something. I tossed and turned until I managed to drift off to sleep..Well that was until I was woken up by something..

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