Chapter 2

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I leaned up on my elbows as I looked through squinted eyes around the room. "Mom?" I quietly called out until I noticed her still laying on the couch across from me still fast asleep. I rubbed my eyes, letting out a tired yawn. That's when I heard it again. I sat up fully this time, my eyes scanning every inch of the room. It sounds like humming, like a person humming. I slid the blanket off me and got up. Barely no light besides the old vintage lamp that was already in the house when we came in. "It's nothing Luna, you're just tired." I thought to myself..more like convincing myself. 

I walked into the kitchen, my socks sliding across the old marble effect floor. I opened each of the kitchen cupboards, wondering if mom unloaded anything. "Where's the damn cups." I murmured to myself. Opening the last dark oak cupboard, I found a cup and a few glasses but they weren't ours. Must of been from the last owners. But they were so old, as if the last owners were from years and years ago. I can't say I wanted to use some old dusty cup, so I rummaged through the boxes in the kitchen hoping to find something I could use. I huffed, not finding anything but decor in the boxes. I looked back at the old cups I found, mentally groaning. I grabbed the cup and looked at it. I mean it was pretty, A vintage look, white and blue accents across it. "Pretty" I said before walking over to the sink and beginning to run it under the hot water, making sure its clean. 

"That was mine." I heard. "What did you say mo-." I begin turning around but not seeing my mom. I saw nothing in fact. "Mom?" I said, placing the cup into the sink and walking back into the living room where we were currently sleeping. There she still laid, snuggled up and sleeping. I frowned my eyebrows before starting to walk over to her to make sure she was sleeping, but before I could the kitchen tap began running again. I jumped and turned around. I just stood there, my hand on my chest as my heart beat was running 100 miles were second. I kept thinking how stupid I must look. "It's an old house Luna, you probably didn't turn the tap off." I thought to myself. I let out a deep sigh before composing myself and slowly walking towards the kitchen. 

The tap was running, the vintage cup overflowing with hot soapy water. I shook my head and began rinsing the soap and bubbles off the cup. I kept looking around the kitchen as I was cleaning the cup..It just felt weird, like someone was there, like someone was watching me. My whole body turned cold at the thought of that, I tried shaking it off, but it somehow kept creeping back into my mind. I finished cleaning it, turning on my heels and making my way to the fridge. That's the only thing that we actually have from our old house, Our fridge, Oven supplies..You know, basic kitchen stuff. 

I opened the fridge, grabbing the milk and unscrewing the cap. Pouring the cold milk into the cup while shoving the milk back into the fridge and kicking it closed with my foot. Looking out the large wooden framed window, I begin sipping my milk. We had a back yard, but behind that it was this large big lake, I could see the old hanging lanterns hitting the reflections into the lakes water. "Hey honey, what're you doing up?" I screamed, completely letting go of the cup that held my milk. The cup smashing into tiny pieces onto the marble floor, milk splattering everywhere. I looked up, seeing my mom stood there. "Oh god, honey!" Mom yelled before hurrying over to me. "Are you okay? I'm sorry for spooking you." I said I felt dumb before, now I feel real dumb. I rubbed my hands over my face. "Sorry mom, you just scared me." I said, kneeling down and picking up the tiny shards of glass. "Don't touch that, we'll clean it up in the morning" Mom said, grabbing my hands and standing me back up.

"Oh Luna, you're dead cold!" Mom said, concern overtaking her normal tone. "I'm good mom." I said as I let out a giggle, realising how spooked I got. Mom let out a laugh too. She wrapped her arm around me and begin walking back to the living room. "Come on, lets get a few more hours sleep, we've got a busy day." I nodded, laying back down on the opposite couch, wrapping the blanket around me again. Mom rubbed my head, kneeling down and kissing my forehead. "Goodnight sweetheart." I smiled before saying "Goodnight mama." And before you know it, we both fell back to sleep. 


"Luna honey, wake up" I heard, a hand softly shaking me. I groaned, slowly opening my eyes as the light shined through the windows. "What time is it?" I said, looking up at mom and yawning. "10, I wanted to let you sleep in more but I want to go grab some groceries." I nodded, sitting up and looking around. Mom unpacked some of the boxes, books, photos, you know the typical household things. "Wanna come or just hang out here?." Mom said, slipping on her long brown cardigan dad bought her. I yawned again, brushing the hair off my face. "I'll stay here if that's fine mom, I'll unpack some of my boxes." She smiled and nodded. "Of course." She grabbed her car keys, coming over to me and kissing my forehead like usual. "I shouldn't be too long." She said, looking back at me as she opened the front door. "Love you" I said standing up and wrapping the blanket around me. "Love you too sweetheart." I heard before the door closing. I made my way into the kitchen, looking out the window. "Wow." I said, admiring how beautiful the lake actually was. It was so clear, the sun shinning down making the water look sparkly. I walked over to the fridge and swinging it open. All we had in there were a few snacks from the drive here and milk. I picked up the milk again, unscrewing the cap and placing the carton down on the counter. I looked through the cupboards again, wondering if mom unpacked any of the cups but no, still nothing. I found myself wondering back to that old cupboard where I got the old dusty cup from. Swinging that cupboard open. My face dropped. The cup..It was in there. I looked on the floor in the place it smashed, but nothing, no glass, no milk stains. It's like it never happened. My whole body went cold again, the typical feeling I got like I was being watched.. And that's when I heard it. The humming..but it wasn't like before. It was more clear, It sounded like a guy humming an old song. But doing it right behind me, I turned around quickly, my heart racing in my chest. But yet again..Nobody. I was all alone. "What the fuck is going on" I whispered and that's when it happened..

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