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Hey, so I know I said like, what, 3 likes and 5 comments? Or the other way around? I don't know. Haha oh well! :P andyways, I'm sorry if this ends up being short. I'm finally off of school for three days, and I wanna be lazy. But eh, I might as well write mah book for you peoples c: so enjoy my lovelies! ;)

#picture of Natalia on the side#

~Clary's POV~

     I stood there shocked, as I watched Hyde smile and hug the girl that just called me a.. A whore. The hurt must have shown on my face because Hyde pushed her off but still held on to her waist. "Natalia, this is Clary. Clary, this is Natalia... My girlfriend."

     I just stood there. For some reason, I felt hurt. Sad. Angry. And even... Jealous? No. Not even possible.

     So I said, "She just insulted me in the rudest way; and you aren't mad at her? At all?"

     Natalia shot me a glare. "Back off bitch! You don't know anything about me!"

     I glared back. "And you don't know anything about me, and yet you have the nerve to call me a whore and then a bitch."

     She walked up to me and put her ugly ass overly spray tanned face right next to mine. "Listen to me, you little slut. I know that you're nothing but a stupid emo. And I don't want you around my boyfriend. Go it? He's mine. My toy. And I don't share my toys."

     I winced at her calling him a toy. "What the actual fuck? You think I'm trying to steal him away from you? I've only known him for a day! And he's your toy, huh? That it? What the hell, and you called me a whore!" I yelled, and stomped out of the house grabbing Damon's hand and leading him far away from the house.

     It activated me. I should have known. Every time I get a friend, they end up backstabbing me in the end. Always. Hyfe just stood there not saying anything! The only person who hasn't done that to me is Damon. He's all I've got now. And he's all I really need.

     Damon gave me a confused look as I continued to drag him away. "What was that all about?" he asked.

     I glanced back at him. "Hyde has a bitchy fake ass girlfriend, and she called me rude names, telling me she knew me, and to stay away from Hyde, as if I wanted him," I said that last part with disgust. "Hyde just stood there not saying anything, so I left."

     He looked at me then hugged me tightly. "Why were you at Hyde's in the first place?"

     I sighed. "Remember my brother?"

     He nodded slowly, already understanding. "Clary, oh my gosh, are you okay?"

     I nodded, but I couldn't stop the tears spilling over my cheeks. Damon gasped and held me in a tighter hug.

     "C'mon," he said once I calmed down. "You can stay at my place."

     "R-really?" I stuttered.

     He smiled a little. "Yeah."

     I smiled back. "Thank you so much Damon. So so much."


     And we walked off to his house.


(A/N): hey, it's not the end of the chapter, but I'm just gonna say it: there WILL NOT be a second book to this. I'm getting more ideas and I don't know if I will continue this book. Sorry. But the key words are: "I don't know" I might. MIGHT.

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