I'm A Free Spirit, Bitch!

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I've finally gotten my lazy ass to work, and I'm proud! :D
Foreal, though. xD

Pic of Hyde's room ^-^

Enjoyyy ❤

~Clary's POV ~

"Yes. Yes, yes, yassss!" PJ squealed, jumping up and down in his seat.

I laughed. "I want to move in with you guys, because-" I might have a tiny huge crush on Hyde... "-you are all really nice people, and... Wow, I sound like I'm talking to royalty. Okay..."

"Do you really want to move in? Really?" Draven asked, taking another bite of his food. "Because then you'll have to deal with this." He pointed at PJ, who was currently dancing around the table, acting as a ballerina.

I made a face, and he looked at me. "I'm a free spirit, bitch!" PJ screamed and then ran upstairs, tipping on the first step.

I bit my tongue to keep my laugh in.


I looked up to see Hyde holding his hand out to me. "Can we talk?"

I nodded, but then looked back at my plate of food. "Who's gonna clean this up? I don't want to leave a mess for anybody-"

"Shut up, and just talk with the boy!" Aviana urged. "I'll clean."

I gave her a look as to ask if she was really okay with it, and she just smiled.

Hyde gripped my hand and lead me upstairs. I started to get nervous. Was he taking me to his room? Why? What are we gonna be talking about, exactly? What if he doesn't want me to move in? I started to get a head ache.

He opened a door at the end of the hallway, and walked into a dimmly lit room. He walked in and turned around. "Guess what, shorty," he said, smirking.

I tilted my head and rose my eyebrows in response.

"Welcome, to your new room."

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