Prologue - Alpha and Omega

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Zoan, Egypt, 3120 BC.

Copernicus Crater stands out in stark contrast against the many lunar surface features as an enormous full moon shines bright from the star-filled night sky over Egypt, joined by the brilliance of several planetary bodies. The city of Zoan is the new capital and scientific center of the growing Egyptian empire. Second only to the royal palace in fame and importance is the Temple of Thoth, where the High Priest serves as the royal astronomer to the Pharaoh.

A man escorted by four members of the Royal Guard rushes through the outer gardens, then the inner courtyard of the royal palace. The men reach the throne room to find the Pharaoh reclining upon his seat of honor. The servant at the door announces the arrival of the man as the guards remain outside of the throne room.

Servant. The Grand Vizier.

The Pharaoh sits up straight and motions for the man to approach. The Grand Vizier is the most powerful man in Egypt, second only to the Pharaoh. Few others in all of Egypt would dare approach the throne without prior invitation. Although a meeting with the Grand Vizier is a normal occurrence, the Pharaoh can see this is not a routine visit. The Grand Vizier ascends the seventy-two steps up to the throne, then stops and kneels before the Pharaoh until addressed. Every Pharaoh is to know seventy-two languages, and visitors are permitted to ascend one step for each greeting given to the Pharaoh in a different language.

Pharaoh. Rise and speak for I can see your distress.

Vizier. Great Pharaoh, I have news from the Priest of Thoth.

The Pharaoh leans forward in his seat once he hears the source of the message, knowing there are no feasts approaching for which the Priest would send news. This message must be of great urgency and importance.

Pharaoh. Speak. What does he report?

Vizier. The prophesy of division is upon us.

The Pharaoh stands and approaches the Grand Vizier. As the Pharaoh nears the Grand Vizier, he signals to his servants to bring his royal robe.

Pharaoh. How many signs have come forth?

Vizier. All save one, though it fast approaches.

Pharaoh and the Grand Vizier along with two units of the Royal Guard depart from the palace and walk with a sense of urgency to the nearby Thoth Temple. The Thoth Temple is noticeably different from all the other buildings in Zoan, from the building materials, to the ornate decoration, it seems much older. The Grand Vizier issues an order to the guards.

Vizier. Wait here. No one enters.

The Royal Guards wait at the ornate entrance to the Thoth Temple as the Pharaoh and Grand Vizier enter.

Once inside the Temple, the Grand Vizier directs the Pharaoh over to the Temple Priest, who is carefully watching beams of moonlight streaming in from a series of openings in the ceiling.

Vizier. Is the Prophesy truly upon us?

The Temple Priest speaks without looking away from the ceiling. The Pharaoh is too curious to notice or correct the breach in etiquette by the Priest.

Priest. I believe so. We shall soon see.

Pharaoh. We have seen many signs in the past. Why do you...?

Before the Pharaoh can finish his question, the earth begins to shake and groan. The Priest points toward the ceiling just as light floods in through a previously unlit opening. As the light reaches maximum intensity, runes carved into the decorative stonework along the ceiling begin to glow with a bluish hue.

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